NTP Year-end Evaluation and Planning Workshop Nov 14-18, 2011 Bohol
City Profile, 2011 Population, 2011: _________ (Source: ____ ) No. of health centers: ___ No. of health personnel: HC basedNon-HC basedTotal Physicians Nurses Med Tech Midwives BNS BHWs/Vol.
City Profile, 2011 No. of Existing TML (TB Microscopy Laboratory) ___ HC- based ___ with full time Med Tech ___ without full time Med Tech ___ Hospital- based (DOTS-engaged) ___ public ___ private ___ Private facilities (DOTS-engaged) Total no. of lying-in clinic(s):___ Total no. of Puericulture Center(s):___ Total no. of NGOs present:___ – Total no. of NGOs involved in NTP:___
City Profile, 2011 No. of hospital(s) and DOTS engagement: __ (Total) No. of TBDC at: TypeExistingType of engagementNo. Engaged Public DOTS Referring DOTS Providing Private DOTS Referring DOTS Providing LGUPublic hospitalPrivate hospitalTOTAL
City Profile, 2011 No of certified and accredited DOTS facilities PhilCAT Certified as of ______ PhilHealth Accredited as of _______ Expired as of ________ HC Private clinics Public Hospital Private Hospital Lying-in Clinic Puericulture center
Laboratory Performance
Trend of Total Slide Reading Errors 2009-Q1-Q3 2011
Trend of Smear Preparation based on 6 Assessment Points, 2009-Q1-Q3 2011
QA Monitoring, 2011 Total no. of lab monitoring done:___ Total no. of laboratories monitored:___
CDR CR LLLH HHHL More cases seen; few are cured. More transmission. More chronic cases; MDRTB(?). Few cases seen or cured. TB transmission continues. Poor TB program. Few cases seen; many cured. TB will not be controlled. TB will be controlled over time Quadrant chart for grouping areas according to performance 85 TA Tool, TB LINC
2009 Performance
2010 Performance
Q1-Q3, 2011 Performance
Over-all Performance
TARGETS YearCase Detection RateCure Rate Strat Plan c/o Oasis CIPHStrat Plan c/o Oasis CIPH
ACTIVITIES in Achieving 2012 Direction
PhilPACT Strategy 1: Localize implementation of TB control
PhilPACT Strategy 2: Monitor health system performance
PhilPACT Strategy 3: Engage ALL health care providers
PhilPACT Strategy 4: Promote and strengthen positive behaviour of communities
PhilPACT Strategy 5: Address MDR-TB,TB/HIV and needs of vulnerable populations
PhilPACT Strategy 6: Regulate and make available quality TB diagnostic tests and drugs
PhilPACT Strategy 7: Certify and accredit TB care providers
PhilPACT Strategy 8: Secure adequate funding and improve allocation & efficiency of fund utilization
CHALLENGES in Attaining 2012 Direction
TECHNICAL ChallengesRecommendation/Plan
MANAGERIAL ChallengesRecommendation/Plan
ADMINISTRATIVE ChallengesRecommendation/Plan