Lingnan University Library Feb workshops/handouts
At the end of this workshop, you would be able to: 2 Identify the differences between Internet resources and Library subscribed databases in order to use the appropriate tools in doing research. Apply advanced web search skills in order to search internet resources efficiently and effectively. Examine the web search resources based on different criteria in order to evaluate the reliability of information.
Selected Internet Resources – LibGuides 3
Internet Search vs Library Subscribed Database Search (1) 4 Surface Web (Visible Web) VS Deep Web (Invisible Web) Computer scientists have defined online information that cannot be accessed through search engines as the ‘deep web’ Internet Search: using Google or Yahoo: They do not own or produce the contents, but merely help search what is out there They are free resources provided by unrelated parties or fee- based resources provided by their partners Please DO NOT only rely on Google or Yahoo to do your Research: You will miss something useful – such as free stuff hidden from the Search Engines; full text articles / books and Databases available in the Library
Internet Search vs Library Subscribed Database Search (2) 5 Task: Dissertation in Subscribed Database E.g. search for a dissertation: Lin, Chyong-Ling. "Adopting Marketing Strategies in Museums." Order No , University of South Dakota, Try it in GoogleGoogle Try it in 1-Search Try it in Google ScholarGoogle Scholar
Internet Search vs Library Subscribed Database Search (2) 6 Task: News on internet E.g 1. 夏千福稱管家 「非為引火而來」香港經濟 日報網站 E.g 2. on “Construction pay to rise in bid to attract youth to industry”, South China Morning Post on 17 Oct 2013 Try it in GoogleGoogle Try it in Wisesearch
Internet Search vs Library Subscribed Database Search (2) 7
Internet Search vs Library Subscribed Database Search (3) 8 You should check Library Databases, 1-Search & Library CatalogueLibrary Databases1-Search Library Catalogue For example For Academic Journal Articles, use academic databases, e.g. EBSCOhost, ProQuest, etc.academic databases EBSCOhostProQuest For News Archives, use Wisenews, Factiva, LexisNexis Academic, etc.FactivaLexisNexis Academic For Company Finance Archives, use Datastream, Compustat, etc. E-References, e.g. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online, Oxford English Dictionary, Dictionary of National Biography, etc.Encyclopaedia Britannica OnlineOxford English DictionaryDictionary of National Biography
Steps and tips for Effective Web Search (1) 9 Step 1: Select a reliable and relevant search engine : E.g. Google / Yahoo Step 2: State what you want to find E.g. - Where can I buy an iPhone in Hong Kong - How old is Queen Elizabeth II? - What is QFII? Step 3: Identify Keywords Type in what you want to know Using fewer keywords will get more results, too much keyword will narrow down the results Using rare / uncommon keywords will get the more specific search results Putting important word first will get slightly better results Common words are ignored by search engine (e.g. articles, prepositions) Using descriptive keyword e.g. ringtone instead of sound
Steps and tips for Effective Web Search (2) 10 Step 4: Select synonyms and variant word forms Phrase your query as reverse question to get the answer Step 5: Combine synonyms, keywords and variant word forms Step 6: Check your spelling
Advanced Google Search Skills 11
Advanced Google Search Skills (1) 12 Use Double Quotes to indicate Exact phrases. E.g. “strategy analysis” strategy analysis Find Only Certain File types: filetype: E.g. HIBOR filetype:xls sudoku filetype:swf “education reform” hong kong filetype:ppt Limit by Domain: site: E.g. HKDSE HKDSE HKDSE
Advanced Google Search Skills (2) 13 Using Wild Card Symbol: * E.g. 宋 * 齡 宋 齡 宋 * 齡 宋 齡 Using instant automatic Translation Features Look for [Translate this page] links E.g. maggie cheung site:.frmaggie cheung Click Language Tools from Google (or use Tools See Google Help Page for Details and More Features / Tools tips: or
Advanced Google Search Skills (4) 14 Filters The panel on the bottom of the search box Use these links to filter and customize the results you see
Click “Settings” Google Scholar
Search “Lingnan University” & “WorldCat” Google Scholar Click “Library links”
Google Scholar
links will appear next to those items which are held by Lingnan University. Google Scholar
Selected Useful Google Products 19 Google Books Google Scholar Google Maps (Driving directions example)Driving directions example Google Translate Google Art Project
Other Useful Resources for Effective Web Search (1) 20 Wikipedia – in English, Chinese and other languages Wikipedia Citizendium – aims at providing a reliable encyclopedia, real names of editors are used Citizendium Baidu Baike ( 百度百科 ) – A Chinese encyclopedia Baidu Baike 百度百科 List of Wikis –
Other Useful Resources for Effective Web Search (2) 21 Other than Google, there are many other popular / important Internet portals / tools / directories. Worldwide examples: Yahoo!, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, MSN, Amazon,, CNN, BBC etc.Yahoo!BingYouTube FacebookMSNAmazondel.icio.usCNNBBC Local / Chinese examples: Yahoo! Hong Kong, Sina Hong Kong, HK Govt, Baidu etc.Yahoo! Hong Kong Sina Hong KongHK GovtBaidu
Evaluating Internet Information (1) 22 4W1H Approach
Evaluating Internet Information (2) 23 Authorship and Publishing Body: WHO is the author / publisher? Target Group: WHO is the intended audience? Currency: WHEN was the information released? Purpose: WHY this information was written? Point of View or Bias: HOW was the information presented? WHAT is the point of view? Referral: HOW did the author find this information? Are there references to other sources? Accuracy and Verifiability of Details: Is the information accurate? More information on “Tips for Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask for Evaluating”
Evaluating Internet Information (3) 24 Explore the following web sites and discuss: “Should I always trust or distrust the contents on the WWW?” and then How to examine the true and authorized websites?
Evaluating Internet Information (3) Con’t
Evaluating Internet Information (3) 26 You are looking for information on various nutritional supplements. You found three web sites. Click on the links below to examine each site and evaluate its content. These is no need to read each site completely. Scan each one for hints that will help you answer the questions. Which of these web sites is the more trustworthy? Cognitogenic aids Vescorogenic (gustatogenic) aids
Getting Help 27 Chat with A Librarian Integrated Helpdesk at Information Commons (1/F, Library)
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