U.S. ATLAS Tier 1 Planning Rich Baker Brookhaven National Laboratory US ATLAS Computing Advisory Panel Meeting Argonne National Laboratory October 30-31,


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. ATLAS Tier 1 Planning Rich Baker Brookhaven National Laboratory US ATLAS Computing Advisory Panel Meeting Argonne National Laboratory October 30-31, 2001

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 2 Revised Scope and Schedule  Motivation (See Bruce Gibbard’s Talk for Details)  Funding Shortfall in FY’01 through FY’03  Year End Funding Pulse  Delayed Turn-On for LHC  Evolving Worldwide Computing Model  Approach  Focus on Expandability  Delay and Stretch Out Hiring Plan  Use New Funding Guidance to Set New Purchase Schedule  Evaluate Computing Model to Optimize Facility Effectiveness

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 3 Expandability  Facility MUST be Prepared to Integrate Large Infusions of Material  Funding for DC 2 Equipment Will be (hopefully!) Very Late  FY’06 and FY’07 Procurements will be Very Large  Most of FY’01 Year End Money Spent on Infrastructure  New LAN Switch  Complete Basic Storage Infrastructure (NFS, HPSS, AFS)  HPSS, AFS In Place  NFS Evaluation In Progress, ~$40K in Reserve  Only CPU and Disk Space Lacking for DC 2  Infrastructure for FY’06 and FY’07 Deployed in ’05 – ’06

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 4 Delayed Staffing Support for DC2 Will be Stressed

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 5 Near Term Staffing Plan  End of FY ’01 – 4 FTE  Management and Planning (Baker, Gibbard)1.5 FTE  System Administration / User Support (Askinazi, Smith)1.5 FTE  Grid Support and Development (Smith, Yu)1.0 FTE  Two FY ’02 Hires  Early – Solaris System Administration0.9 FTE  Late – Mass Storage Support0.1 FTE  Two FY ’03 Hires  Linux System Administration1.0 FTE  Network Support1.0 FTE

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 6 Long Term Staffing Plan  Full Staffing Level of 25 Based on RCF Experience  Not Augmented with Increased Facility Scale  Delay Original Plan by Approximately One Year  End FY ’03: 8 FTE  FY ’04: Four Hires12 FTE  FY ’05: Five Hires17 FTE  FY ’06: Eight Hires25 FTE

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 7 Tier 1 Facility Capacity Ramp Up

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 8 Hardware Planning Full Scale is 2.5 Times Original Plan 2006 Capacity is 75% of Original Full Scale 2003 – 06 Scale Scoped to Match Funding Profile

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 9 Near Term Hardware Shortfall  No Hardware Money Available in FY ’02  Only $250K Available for New HW Purchases in FY ’03  This is Insufficient for DC 2 Support in January 2003  This Funding is VERY Late for DC 2 Support  Distributed Analysis Environment Test (June ’02) Also Needs Additional Hardware to be Most Effective  Additional $300K in Summer ’02 Would Solve These Problems

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 10 Hardware Cost Profile

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 11 Hardware Costs  Dominated by Disk (44%) and CPU (23%)  Project Costs from Recent RCF Purchases  Disk $27 per GB in Late ’01, $22 per GB for ’02  CPU $33 per SI95 in Late ’01, $27 per SI95 for ’02  Moore’s Law Scaling – Risk Management  Historically, Price Halflife is 1.5 Years or Less  Conservatively, use 1.7 Year Halflife for Planning  Estimate LAN, License & Maintenance, Miscellaneous Costs as Percentage of Main HW Purchases

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 12 Tier 1 Budget Profile

30 Oct, 2001 R. Baker US ATLAS Computing Facilities 13 Summary  Tier 1 Facility is Operational and Supporting US ATLAS  Serious Resource Shortage Through 2003  Facility is Fully Configured and Poised for Rapid Expansion if Resources Become Available  Budget Profile is Adequate Starting in FY ’04  Conservative and Achievable Plan in Place to Manage Facility Ramp to LHC Startup and Beyond