Emergency Notification System At Arizona State University By William Lewis
ASU Selected Verizon Wireless to be our Preferred Provider As part of the package, Verizon sponsored the Emergency Text message System for one year Provider is Vibes Annual cost after first year is $10,000 No limit on the number of short TEXT messages we can send
Opt-In System for Faculty, Staff and Students Must have ASU Authentication Access Currently we have 6,669 Numbers Registered
Have we used it? Yes On Nov. 1, 2007 we had a fire in the Memorial Union Had to evacuate ~ 5,000 people from the building Sent out TEXT message to alert community
Approximately 45 minutes before message sent out Most people already knew about the fire as a result of word-of-mouth or First responders felt that the situation was under control Many thought that the ALERT was late
Lessons Learned Manage Expectations