ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, y1999: two core and two SOL transport codes with about 15 users, who worked locally at JET; y2000: Secondees from all Associations start bringing their codes to work with JET data; y2003: Five core transport codes, three SOL transport codes, three MHD stability codes, three turbulence simulation codes, all can be run remotely from Associations; yNumber of code users reached 90 with simulations per year; yMany codes had no interfaces with the JET data; yEven similar codes were using different input/output format, different transport models, different boundary conditions etc., making result comparison and code benchmarking very difficult if at all impossible. Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 1/6 V. Parail, UKAEA
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, z 2004: “Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET” Project commence to integrate codes into a unified Code Management System (CMS), linked with JET and ITER databases: zWe decide that the first step towards unification and integration would be to bring all codes under the same shell so that similar codes can share the same input/output files and the same user-friendly environment; zThey would be all linked with JET and ITER Profile databases and would all share the same link with MHD stability codes, turbulence simulation codes and post-processing facilities; zThey would share the same data storage and catalogue system; Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 2/6
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, zThis would allow users to use any code in a similar way and compare codes in a very easy way; zSharing the same platform and input/output files will allow easier exchange of specific modules, which would originally developed for just one specific code; zIf successful, such a joint cluster of codes will act as an attraction point for modellers and code developers and will make easier process of code integration; Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 3/6 Code Management System Pre-processing Job Execution: JETTO, CRONOS, ASTRA, SANCO, EDGE2D, B2/EIRENE etc. Job Completion Post-processing: MHD, turbulence simulation, synthetic diagnostics, etc. DATABASES: JET, ITER, MDSPlus Catalogue
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, PPF MDSplus EU ? JAMS Catalogue System PPF ITER Pre-process Prejet Modex EX Core Transport Jetto Cronos Astra Analysis Helena Mishka Elite Kinezero UTC Catman Edge Transport Edge2d Solps PPF Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 4/6 z The following codes have been added to CMS in 2004 (in red):
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 5/6 l 2005: “Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET” Project was extended to accommodate the following tasks: ¬ Completing the user-friendly suite of transport, MHD and turbulence simulation codes, which are needed for a fully integrated tokamak modelling: yUser-friendly environment was extended to include GRID2D, EDGE2D, COCONUT and some post processing tools; yMHD stability code ELITE was added to CMS and benchmarked against MISHKA; Start benchmarking existing codes and make codes more modular to optimise CMS: yEDGE2D was linked with 3D cold neutral code EIRENE, previously used by SOLPS; yStandard modules for sawtooth reconnection and for ICRH heating were implemented in JETTO and CRONOS;
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, Integration of transport and MHD codes at JET 6/6 Cont’d yStandard interface between transport codes and theory-based transport models has been developed and implemented in JETTO and CRONOS (note that this task was done as a joint venture between Project and EU ITM TF, see bullet below) ; ® Develop a link with EU ITM TF to make CMS a testbed for the EU system of integrated codes: yAn implementation of standard interface between transport codes and an equilibrium solvers, which is being developed by ITM TF, in JET Code Management System is planned for Total number of CSM users: 90 in 2004; 140 in 2005.
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, Examples of integrated predictive modelling at JET 1/2 The following modelling activity was pursued during 2005 under TF-T: –Modelling of ELM mitigation by magnetic ripple and by stochastic magnetic field (V. Parail: EPS-2005, 15 th ISW-invited ). Code used : JETTO, ASCOT, OFMC (JAEA) – Benchmarking of Weiland and GLF23 transport modules using plasma in hybrid scenario (F. Imbeaux, EPS-2005-invited). Code used: CRONOS, JETTO, ASTRA; –Simulation of ELM-induced heat and particle flux propagation through the SOL (J. Lonnroth, 11 th PET-invited). Code used: JETTO, MISHKA, EDGE2D, COCONUT; –Modelling of LH waves interaction with the gas puffing localised near grill entrance (V. Petrzilka). Code used: JETTO, modified EDGE2D; –Predictive and interpretative analysis of poloidal and toroidal plasma rotation in JET (T. Tala et al.). Code used: JETTO; –Predictive modelling of multiple impurities penetration through the SOL in JET plasmas (P. Belo, EPS-2005, APS-2005). Code used: JETTO, SANCO, EDGE2D.
ITPA Meeting, PPPL, April, Narrow edge-localised ripple losses reduce performance and increase ELM frequency; z Energy losses during the ELM are reduced, which leads to smaller, more benign ELMs; Red lines - no ripple losses Blue lines - moderate ripple; Green lines - strong ripple Examples of integrated predictive modelling at JET 1/2 Modelling of ELM mitigation by magnetic ripple and by stochastic magnetic field (V. Parail: EPS-2005): Energy content Edge transport (arb. Units)