OBJECTIVES Egypt Reminders & Changes
Understanding Objectives Reminder: – Each objective is tied to a Part (don’t venture/pull from the other parts… – 5 facts (bullet points) from our reading guides Still an expectation New: – Pull 2-3 facts (bullet points) from our enrichment readings (reading from the packet) Identify next to bullet point which page you found the fact.
Objective Answers Reminder – 5 sentences 1 sentence intro (restate the objective question) 3 sentences body (1 fact per sentence) 1 sentence conclusion – NO “I” STATEMENTS….
Objective Answers New – Increase to 8 sentences 1 sentence into (same) 1 sentence conclusion (same) 6 sentences body – Still 3 facts – Now more descriptive/detailed. – Tell me why the fact is important. – We will answer ALL objective questions!!!!!!!!!!
Example Objective: Identify the major scientific developments of the Sumerians. Intro: The Sumerian inventions/ developments will make life in ancient Mesopotamia easier. – Fact # 1 Sumerians made the wheel – The wheel enabled the Sumerians to more easily transport goods from place to place. – Fact # 2 Sumerians invented the plow – Having plow made farming easier and faster, making the Sumerians more efficient farmers. – The plow will allow the Sumerians to prepare more land for farming and increase the amount of crops grown, increasing their surpluses. – Fact # 3 Sumerians developed cuneiform – Cuneiform is the first writing system, it allowed the Sumerians to keep track of business records.
Example Objective: How did the flooding of the Nile River benefited ancient Egyptians Intro: The flooding of the Nile River lead to the development ancient Egypt – Fact # 1 The Nile River floods each year depositing rich soil. – The rich soil, silt, was very fertile and was excellent for growing crops. – Fact # 2 The Nile River floods the same time each year. – The timely flooding of the Nile allowed the Egyptians to grow more than one crop, thus increasing their surpluses. – Fact # 3 The flooding river turned a dry desert into a habitable region. – Egypt is surrounded by desert; the flooding of the Nile will enable people to settle in this region.