Occupation purpose.
The student should know:
The student should be able: To carry out precautionary sanitary inspection on under control municipal objects;; To prove the actions when making the conclusion according to the project ; To carry out sanitary-and- hygienic inspections of objectssupervision and to make the corresponding registration and reporting documentation.
Option of offered questions: What you know sanitary-engineering actions for sanitary protection of atmospheric air. What you know treatment facilities with productivity of work of 99 %. What you know constructions with catching of a krupnodispersny dust.? What you know constructions catching SO2.? What you know types of treatment facilities on dust catching. Taking into account what conditions the hygienic assessment of pollution of atmospheric air is given. Technique of sanitary examination of projects on protection of the atmospheric air from pollution by industrial emissions.
Content of occupation: At a territory choice for construction of the new settlement or expansion of the existing city or the settlement the health officer should estimate environment conditions. Such assessment is necessary, first of all when the occupied place or its separate areas are placed about objects which can pollute atmospheric air, reservoirs and the soil or to create the increased noise levels, vibrations and electromagnetic fields.
The hygienic assessment of existing situation is given on the basis of results of the researches executed by bodies and departments on which control, behind an environment condition, and also data on its influence on living conditions and population health is imposed. Consider the main sources of pollution: industrial and agricultural enterprises and installations, power plants and combined heat and power plants, airports and airfields, constructions of railway transport, high-speed road, television centres, retraslyator, radio stations.
The hygienic assessment of pollution of atmospheric air is given on to results of researches taking into account climatic and topographical conditions of the considered territory, and as on the basis of calculation dispersion of emissions in atmospheric air. Consideration of the design documentation concerning actions for atmosphere protection from emission the industrial enterprises, it is made in the following sequence.
1. Acquaintance with the enterprise both its main and collateral technological processes, character of used raw materials and a possible harmful waste. 2. An assessment of a complex of the technological actions directed on reduction of emissions, decrease in quantity of toxic components in them and their concentration, localisation of emissions. 3. Check by calculation of number of emissions in the atmosphere, check calculation of conditions of dispersion of emissions in the atmosphere and definition necessary extent of cleaning. Assessment of the technological scheme of cleaning emissions. 4. Assessment of a complex of planirovochny actions directed on reduction of pollution of atmospheric air of the settlement and SZZ organisations, correction of their size.
Methods innovative technologists "Camomile" under lines of a camomile is around started up are written questions on last subjects. Each student tears off to itself option question also transfers a camomile to another. All write down the options answers. Then there is a discussion. The wrong answers cross out. By quantity of the right answers estimate knowledge of students.
Control questions: 11. What of sources of pollution releases into the atmosphere products недожога and ashes. 2. The factors influencing degree pollution of atmospheric air in the settlement. 3. What tests uses in practice of sanitary inspection behind pollution of atmospheric air. 4. Investigated air on border of a residential and sanitary and protective zone and have found excess in 2 times of maximum concentration limit of ammonia. What diseases can be found thus. 5. In a residential zone near a kotelnik investigated atmospheric air and have found sulphurous gas and nitrogen dioxide at maximum concentration limit level everyone. What these substances possess effect of action and to that their sum should to equal. 6. What you know sanitary-engineering actions for sanitary protection atmospheric air.
Recommended literature: The main: Ш T. Otaboyev T.I.Iskanderov"Kommunal hygiene " Т.1994 g Akulov K.I. Bushtuyeva K.A. "Municipal hygiene", M., "The management to laboratory researches on municipal hygiene". E.Goncharuk, M of "Hygiene" Under edition of prof. Demidenko N. M., T., "Kommunal hygiene фанидан amaliya машгулотларучункулланма "under T.I edition. Iskandarova., T
The additional: Laws RUZ, State standard specifications RUZ, Sanpina, KMK, joint venture, orders. Methodical development on EMS. Lecture materials.
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