Antonios Vlassis-ULg/ULB ICCPR 2014, 9-12 September 2014
Rising powers, importance of cultural industries and soft power China and movie industry Evolution of the relationship between the Chinese authorities and the film industry; China’s role within the global governance of cultural industries (WTO, CDCE, etc.); China and global cultural competition.
Cultural industries, unknown factor for highlighting the role that China can and will play on the global stage. Joseph Nye and Susan Strange Little has been said about the international dimension of governance of cultural industries and the role of China. Global governance of cultural industries in a context of disaggregated sovereignty and absence of global government.
China is absorbed into the spectacular domestic transformation of its film industry and it has a minor impact within the world circulation of cultural goods and services. China complies with the institutional architecture of the global governance of cultural industries and it prefers the role of “follower”.
Understanding Hollywood and US administration’s strategies is essential for assessing whether China could play a crucial role within the global governance of cultural industries. China still has a long way to go in order to play a more important role in the international battle of cultural symbols and to shape the distribution of ideas and resources within the global governance of cultural industries.