INTRODUCTION Qn. what is distance learning???
Distance learning, sometimes called e- learning, is a formalized teaching and learning system specifically designed to be carried out remotely by using electronic communication
Popular distance learning technologies include: 1.Voice-centered technology, such as CD or MP3 recordings or Webcasts. 2.Video technology, such as instructional videos, DVDs, and interactive videoconferencing. 3.Computer-centered technology delivered over the Internet or corporate intranet.
Advantages of distance learning convenience. flexibility. effectiveness. multi-sensory. Affordability.
Disadvantages of distance learning 1. There's less face-to-face interaction. 2. Some employers don’t accept online degrees. 3. Requires adaptability to new technologies. 4. Not all courses required to complete the degree may be offered online. 5. Format isn’t ideal for all learners.
Disadvantages of distance learning 6. There's less physical activity. 7. Students may not have the necessary resources and skills at home. 8. Ease to cheat. 9. Danger of procrastination. 10. Lack of direct and immediate feedback from teachers.
POSSIBLE COLLABORATORY TECHNOLOGIES THAT CAN SUPPORT DISTANCE LEARNING Distance learning technologies are divided into two modes of delivery: synchronous learning and asynchronous learning. In synchronous learning, all participants are present at the same time. It requires a timetable to be organized. Examples of synchronous technology are Web conferencing, videoconferencing, audio conferencing and etc. In asynchronous learning, participants are not required to be together at the same time. Examples of asynchronous learning technology are , video and audio recordings, print materials, voic , fax and etc.
Print Technologies The original form of distance learning was correspondence courses, in which print materials were mailed to students and returned to the teachers through the postal system Advantages of Print Materials Extremely portable. High comfort level. Cost effective. Readily available. Disadvantages of Print Materials No interactions. No audio/visual elements. Time delay.
Audio technologies Audio or voice technologies offer cost-effective ways to enhance distance learning courses. Audio technologies used for distance education include Voic , Audio Files and CDs, Audio conferences and etc. Advantages of Audio Technologies Inexpensive. Easily accessible. Easy to use. Disadvantages of Audio Technologies May require scheduling. Not conducive to visual information. May be impersonal.
Computer technologies Computer technologies are receiving more attention as a means of delivering distance learning, due to the increased popularity of the Internet. Computer technologies used for distance education include , online Chat, Shared whiteboards and Web-based education Advantages of Computer Technologies May incorporate text, graphics, audio, and video. Allow high levels of interactivity. Inexpensive. Worldwide access. Disadvantages of Computer Technologies Require hardware and software. Require substantial planning Computer viruses. No guaranteed performance.
Video technology It includes Videotape and DVD, Satellite Videoconferencing, Desktop Videoconferencing, Internet Videoconferencing, Cable and Broadcast Television, and Microwave Television Conferencing. Advantages of Video Technologies Allow both audio and video communications. Facilitate personal feelings. Enable high levels of interaction. Disadvantages of Video Technologies May be expensive. Require a great deal of planning and preparation. Must be scheduled. Require technical support team.
Software and tool for distance learning Blackboard -a platform for education function in many traditional classrooms. -it helps teachers and students to collaborate and connect. edX - is one of the leading sites for accessing online courses world wide. -it is under Harvard and MIT University Canvas -it is an "open source" solution to online collaboration. Unlike some of its competitors, it's free, and seeks to integrate tools and program that people already know how to use, such as Google Docs or YouTube, rather than creating their own versions.
Coursera -is an online portal that hosts courses from universities around the country and the world, essentially providing a way for students anywhere to "audit" classes they would otherwise not have access to. It provides a readymade way to learn online and see the benefits of distance learning firsthand Skype -is among today's most widely-utilized ways to make voice or video calls online. Thousands of teachers and kids can use it to connect with experts, or fellow pupils and educators, for real-time chats -- and for free. Google Plus -Google's social network shines for its own online video chat solution as well, which lets teachers, students and third-party experts easily videoconference in groups -- we've even seen it used to broadcast presenters live to packed auditoriums.
Other software that support distance learning are: iTunes U Adobe Connect ePals Udacity YouTube