Great Britain is Part of the United States How the History Books Have Lied To You!
A Fiendish Deception You may have been told that Great Britain is an independent country somewhere in Europe or Asia. This is a LIE! Great Britain is and always has been a part of the UNITED STATES!
Inconsistencies Don’t believe me? Look at all the inconsistencies! GB is sometimes called England, sometimes called the UK, and sometimes called Finland. WHY CAN’T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS?!?GB is sometimes called England, sometimes called the UK, and sometimes called Finland. WHY CAN’T THEY MAKE UP THEIR MINDS?!? GB is supposed to be part of Europe, BUT IT’S NOT EVEN CONNECTED!GB is supposed to be part of Europe, BUT IT’S NOT EVEN CONNECTED!
Evidence Meanwhile, there is PLENTY of evidence that GB is actually part of the USA! Most people there speak American, although not very well. Their flag has red and blue in it, just like the American flag. Both are RIGHT NEXT TO THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!! The so-called “National Anthem” of GB is really “My Country ‘Tis of Thee” with the WRONG WORDS!
A History of Lies Everything we’ve been told about Great Britain is a lie. Is it a plot by Neo-Nazi Zionist Communist Globalists to push their NNZCG agenda?!? WHO IS PROFITING FROM THE SALE OF THESE BLATANTLY FALSE HISTORY BOOKS?!?
A History of Lies Supposedly Great Britain’s history began at the Battle of Hastings in I DID RESEARCH!!! DID YOU?!? However, this is BLATANTLY false! There is NO direct evidence that the Battle of Hastings EVER OCCURRED!
A History of Lies Look at this obvious forgery: The perpetrators of this fraud would have us believe that the three tiny ships near the top of the picture are flying – NINE HUNDRED YEARS before the Wright Brothers!! Are they MAGIC SHIPS (LOL)?!?
A History of Lies Totally unrealistic! Not even a real animal!! They didn’t have skywriting back then!!!
More Lies Horse’s legs are two different colors! No eyes! How did they see? No one’s head is this small!!
More evidence “William the Conqueror”, as he is called, was actually an out-of-work dinner-theater actor from Detroit!! The “invaders” were called “Normans”, but they came from France! How could anyone from France win a battle (LOL)?!?
Conclusion Since these are all lies and we can’t believe anything the history books say, then Great Britain is part of the United States. THERE IS NO OTHER EXPLANATION!!