What was the nature of Stalinism and his impact upon Russia? What impact did WWI have upon the countries of Italy and Germany in the 1920’s? How do we account for the Rise of Fascism in italy and Nazism in Germany? How can we explain and describe the impact of Fascist and Nazi Policies on their respective countries
How did the events of the 1930’s bring about the outbreak of WW2? How did the forces shaping the 1920’s and 1930’s converge to create the crisis leading to World War? What were the major turning points in the 1 st phase ( ) of WW2? What were the major turning points in the 2 nd phase ( ) of WW?
What was the nature and extent of Nazi policies towards Jews in the 1930’s? What was the anatomy of genocide perpetrated by the Nazi’s in the 1940’s? What impact did the various resistance movements have upon the course of genocide during the Holocaust?