WebOodi for a student Oodi is register for student and study information with multiple qualities: contact information annual registration study guides (course catalogues) and searching for instruction/courses and exams registration for courses and exams following credits & ordering unofficial transcript giving course feedback (depending on unit) creating a Personal Study Plan (PSP) For more information : 2
Personal Study Plan (PSP) in WebOodi Students can plan their studies based on degree structure and both students and their advisors can follow student´s study advancement: Completed courses and credits can be seen in a study plan as well as planned ones Students can schedule their studies by a term. A more detailed studying schedule is done in student schedule tool LukkariLukkari PSP is submitted to principal supervisor and follow-up group for review & to UniOGS Coordinator or other supervisor for acceptance Personal Study Plan for Doctoral Students Quick Guide: 3
4 What is Optima? Optima is a learning environment used for distance learning or online studying and as a supporting tool for contact teaching or projects. Optima is a versatile, adaptable web-based learning platform that supports learning, teaching and fluent project management in interaction with teacher and students Optima is developed by the company Discendum Oy.Discendum Oy Available in English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, and Latvian
In Optima you can carry out courses or projects in ‘workspaces' in perform various tasks in workspace: View and share different types of documents and webpages Return course assignments Create various documents by yourself or in groups Take part in discussions or chat Fill out forms Arrange examination and take an exam (for example multiple choice exercises) Create calender, tasks Collect and give feedback etc. 5
Basic structure in Optima 6 Your own settings, work management, messages, results etc. Workspaces, folders and documents, discussion areas, tasks The main frame (the working area in the middle of the screen) displays, for example, documents that you choose to view from the left frame and different kind of forms or tools. Environment, Search, Instructions (help), Language and Logout buttons
Where to find & how to login? You can find the links on students’ web page in under Tools & Forms Login by using your university user id and password OPTIMA: -> ”Oulun yliopisto”, ”Tutkijakoulu” WEBOODI: If you have questions, please contact: oodituki(at)oulu.fi optima.helpdesk(at)oulu.fi Thank You! 7