Objectives Identify vegetables and their uses. Explain the value of vegetables in the diet. Explain how to select and store vegetables. Describe and demonstrate methods for preparing, cooking and serving vegetables. WCBOE WOF Unit IX - 1,3,5 and 6
Produce = Fruits and vegetables www.diabetes.org.nz
Vegetables = Edible Plants Enjoyed raw or cooked in appetizers, side dishes, soups, salads, breads, and main dishes. Add flavor, color and texture to meals. Contribute significantly to health www.connietalk.com
Nutrients in Vegetables Many are rich in vitamin C Leafy green vegetables provide folic acid, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. Important source of fiber, complex carbohydrates, and phytochemicals. No cholesterol Most are low in calories, fat and sodium Many of them may lower your risk of some cancers and heart disease, because they contain antioxidants, including vitamin A and C and lycopene.
Types of Vegetables Vegetables are found in different parts of specific plants. What is edible on one plant might not be on another. Eat the entire plant – lettuce The other parts – flowers, fruits, seeds, stems, leaves, roots, tubers… Ref. text page 437 Fig31-2 www.industryplayer.com/.../Vegetables.jpg
Check out… Use Fig. 31-1, pages 432-436 Vegetable Descriptions and Uses to complete chart on page 1 of note-taking packet
What parts of the plant do you eat? flowers Tender and can be eaten raw or cooked Examples – broccoli and cauliflower fruits Most can be eaten raw Examples – tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplant, squash seeds High in nutrients and require some cooking Examples - Beans, sweet corn, peas stems Celery is an example Aspargus is both a stem and a flower leaves Examples - Cabbage, lettuce, brussels sprouts, spinach roots Examples - Carrots, turnips, radishes
Last but not least… copyservices.tamu.edu tubers A large underground stem that stores nutrients. potatoes bulbs Layers of fleshy leaves surrounding the underground part of the stem. Onions, garlic copyservices.tamu.edu
Sea Vegetables Seaweeds Grow in water with filtered sunlight Many are grown in Japan Classified as algae, not plants Low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals Higher in sodium than other vegetables Carrageen (KAR-uh-geen) is a sea vegetable that helps produce the consistency of such products as ice cream, salad dressings, soups, and puddings Other examples: arame, kombu, laver, wakame, nori, dulse, hijiki, agar
Forms of Vegetables Fresh Canned Frozen Dried Can be bought locally Can be grown at home Canned Look for low sodium Frozen Dried Overall, the nutrients are the same www.globalpackagegallery.com
Baby Baby Some are regular veggies picked while immature Others are full grown plant varieties evolvingtastes.blogspot.com
Buying fresh vegetables – Look for: Ripeness – best to use within 2-5 days Color and texture Avoid color not normal to the plant, such as green potatoes. This indicates solamine. It can be cut away. Shape – look for normal Size – should feel heavy in relation to its size. Extra large may be overripe, tough and have poor flavor. Too small may have poor flavor Condition – wilted, decayed or damaged veggies have fewer nutrients and won’t last long. Best to buy without the tops. Avoid veggies that are sprouting.
Storing Fresh Vegetables Except for roots, tubers, and bulbs, veggies should be refrigerated as soon as possible. Don’t wash yet, as moisture speeds up bacterial action and causes mold to grow. Potatoes – store in a cool dry place, but don’t refrigerate due to the humidity. The dark helps keep them from turning green. A brown paper bag will work. Onions – cool dry place in a basket or loosely woven bag, so onions can get air circulation. Don’t store with the potatoes, as it will speed up molding of the onion and sprouting of the potato. s114940310.websitehome.co.uk/MOHSG/health_cli... Remove frame
Final storage tips Most veggies should be stored in the refrigerator in plastic bags, airtight containers or the refrigerator crisper section. Use perforated plastic bags to allow moisture to escape. Let tomatoes ripen before refrigerating them. www.applianceexpress.net/model_no.html
Washing and Serving Fresh Vegetables Wash thoroughly even before peeling Wash tender veggies under cool, running water. Scrub thick skin veggies with a stiff brush. Don’t soak – causes nutrient loss Don’t use detergent – mixes with pesticides and waxes and forms harmful compounds www.dkimages.com
Serving Fresh Vegetables Don’t peel if possible to retain more nutrients To keep cut up veggies crisp in frig, Add a few ice cubes to the covered container they are refrigerated in. members.tripod.com
How cooking affects vegetables Nutrients – vitamins, C and B are easily dissolved in cooking water Texture – heat softens the cellulose or fiber of the cell walls, making them tender. Overcooking creates mushiness Flavor – cooking releases flavors, improving the taste. When overcooked, loss of flavor or unpleasant flavor can result. Color – when properly cooked, vegetables remain colorful. Overcooking green vegetables, changes the chlorophyll into an unattractive olive green beyondrecipes.blogspot.com/2007/10/cheesy-bro... Remove frame www.veggieharvest.com
How to Simmer vegetables Add small amount of water to saucepan, cover and bring to boil Add the veggies, recover and bring to a boil again. Then lower the heat until the water simmers. Cook covered, just until veggies are tender. Drain Some veggies will simmer in the water that clings to them after washing. If you plan to peel the veggie (potatoes) do it after you cook them, to save nutrients. If you have hard water, it can cause red veggies (such as cabbage) to turn purple Add a little acid (vinegar or lemon juice) to the cooking water Don’t add salt, it hides the natural flavors Try to use the cooking liquid kitchencornerhome.com
Steaming vegetables A nutritious method Place steamer basket in a saucepan with a tight fitting lid. Add water to a level below the basket Cover the pan and bring to a boil Add the veggies and recover. www.decuisine.co.uk
Pressure – cooking vegetables Good for beets, whole carrots and potatoes Preserves nutrients well www.costsaving2u.com
Braising Vegetables Cut into large pieces and place in a heavy pan with a small amount of water or liquid. Season Cover tightly and bake in oven at 375 until veggies are tender and browned and the liquid is reduced to a sauce
Frying vegetables Sautéed, fried, stir fried or deep fried To speed cooking, add a small amount of water to pan and cover
Baking vegetables For baked potatoes Pierce skin Rub with oil if you want crispy skin Temperature can be between 300-450 Done when fork easily pierces http://bp3.blogger.com/_MV86r6ZCU6o/R9SJehhzZ7I/AAAAAAAAAFo/imzcduEaR8U/s1600-h/small+potato1.JPG
Roasting vegetables Drizzle with oil and with seasonings and toss lightly to coat, Place on baking sheet in a single layer Roast at 425 until browed, tender and caramelized. Turn over ½ way during cooking www.cookthink.com
Grilling vegetables Put long cooking veggies in center of grill. Good to wrap in foil Small pieces can be on a skewer or in a basket Brush grill with oil To shorten cook time, blanch less tender veggies first Marinate Brush with oil and herbs Group by cooking times simpledailyrecipes.com
Microwaving vegetables Cook quickly and in little water = high nutrients Arrange strategically Tender parts in the center Cover Stir Pierce Follow directions for power levels, cooking and standing times www.plasticsinfo.org/s_plasticsinfo/docs/imag