Back to the Let’s see how they are classified!
Vascular Plants
Roots – the plant’s anchor Root hairs take in H20 and nutrients. Some roots store extra food and water Types of Roots Prop – Above the ground Fibrous – Look like tree branches – help prevent erosion Taproots – Single thick root that reaches deep into the ground
Stems Hold plant up Support leaves Carry water and food to other parts of the plant Store water and food Xylem Tubes that transport water and nutrients upward from roots to leaves Phloem Tubes that carry food to parts of the plant.
Woody Stems like those found in trees … like those found in trees … Xylem Tubes that transport water and nutrients upward from roots to leaves Phloem Tubes that carry food to parts of the plant.
Tree trunks are vascular The center of the trunk is made of old clogged tubes or hardened xylem called heartwood. Sapwood or phloem surrounds the heartwood and carries water & nutrients Each year a new set of tubes forms and an old set dies. This adds a growth ring to the trunk. That’s how we know how old a tree is!
Germinate sprouting of the seed Conditions must be right! Fertile soil Warm temperatures Enough moisture Seed Germination