The Architecture of IRCan’s HRE
What is IRCan? A Government initiative started by the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada and Public Works and Government Services Canada. Has the mandate to provide mechanisms to create and archive reusable digital assets (Intellectual Resources) that interest The Crown.
Problem Provide a flexible, upgradable, dependable, infrastructure that Government departments can use to host applications and projects, involving FLOSS applications and tools. Provide the capability to implement each project’s security policy, within the greater responsibilities of The Crown. Provide a solution that doesn’t “get in the way” of receiving a certificaton from SSC authority.
Packages OTRS UbuntuKVMGaneti DRBDMediaWiki OpenswanOpenVPN Unbound & NSD BackupPCNagiosMunin ApachePostfixPylons
The Guts
Networking Internet hhhhhhhh Node1Node2Node3Node Admin Server Bridge FW Bridge FW Public Network Private VLANs Disk Network
VLANs & Clouds Infrastructure Customer Services DMZ Services On Public Network Customer Private Clouds Ganeti Controller VM NMS VM BackupPC VM MediWiki VM OpenVPN Openswan VM VM Mgmt Website VM DNS Server VM Forwarder VM Backup Services VM Monitoring VM Customer Self-serve Website External DNS Server VM Customer’s VM OpenVPN VM...
Node Connections Node1Node eth0 eth1 eth2 eth0 eth2 eth1 Disk Network Public Network Private VLANs Internet
An Example
Potential Protected B Customer Cloud Implementation Internet Public Network IRCan FW Private FW1 Private FW2 VPN endpoint Web Server Database Server Customer A minicloud
The Parts
IRCan Firewall Bridge-based Rules constrain MAC addresses, ports and protocols. MACs are verified against client DB. Web-controlled by client Choice of pre-defined security policies. Each comes with standard docs that client can submit with their certification request.
VM disk infrastructure DRBD offers live replication between pairs of nodes. Block Devices are paired for high availability. The VM images must be pre-sized. Possible Elastic Storage provided in the future.
DRBD Part1Part2 Disk Network DRBD mount DRBD Block Device Live replication
VM provisioning Customer may choose to use one of our hardened distro, which comes with standard docs that they can submit with their certification request.
Customer Setup Still being worked on. Customer given a token that they use to register themselves on our self-serve website. Mini-cloud automatically created with a VPN endpoint dedicated to the client. VPN certificate wrapped with whatever crypto the customer gave us: SSH, PGP, SSL
Customers Cloud Setup Customers connect to their VPN endpoint and connect to our internal self-serve website. Customers can create new VMs and Private Networks, and can push firewall policies to our IRCan firewall.
Customer Services Customers may elect to be monitored and backed-up. They push data to our customer service servers. Customers are not forced to run proprietary agents. Outbound forwarding provided, not inbound filtering. DNS can be primary or secondary.
Thank you Patrick Naubert: IRCan project mgmt website: