October 29, 2008 SESSION LAW / SB 1946 October 29, 2008 Larry Shirley State Energy Office NC Department of Administration Performance Standards for Sustainable, Energy Efficient Public Buildings
SB 668 SB 668 consists of three major provisions: Section 1: Performance Standards for new buildings and major renovations. Section 2: Immediate implementation of low cost energy saving strategies. Section 3: Mandatory Energy Plans for State and University existing buildings. October 29, 2008
SB 1946 Section 1 of SB 668 was repealed by SB 1946 (SL 2008 – 203). SB 1946 codified the performance standards into the General Statues. (GS ) (Article 8C). This is now law, and is not an option or available for value engineering. October 29, 2008
S845 Tech. Corrections 2008 – Existing Buildings For Existing Building Stock SECTION G.S. 143 ‑ 64.12(a) reads as rewritten: "(a) The Department of Administration through the State Energy Office shall develop a comprehensive program to manage energy, water, and other utility use for State agencies and State institutions of higher learning and shall update this program annually. Each State agency and State institution of higher learning shall develop and implement a management plan that is consistent with the State's comprehensive program under this subsection to manage energy, water, and other utility use. The energy consumption per gross square foot for all State buildings in total shall be reduced by twenty percent (20%) by 2010 and thirty percent (30%) by 2015 based on energy consumption for the 2002 ‑ 2003 fiscal year. Each State agency and State institution of higher learning shall update its management plan annually and include strategies for supporting the energy consumption reduction requirements under this subsection. Each community college shall submit to the State Energy Office an annual written report of utility consumption and costs.“ (SB 668 stipulated FY )
October 29, 2008 Session Law : New Construction Major facility construction project 20,000 gross square feet of occupied or conditioned space Impacts state agencies universities community colleges
October 29, 2008 Session Law : New Construction 30% greater energy efficiency than ASHRAE 20% less indoor potable water than 2006 NC Plumbing Code 50% less outdoor potable water for landscaping use
October 29, 2008 Session Law : Key Points Performance Verification Measured use no more than 15% of modeled use Separate Utility Meters Performance Review Identify costs of implementation Identify operating savings Impacts on employee productivity Use stricter standard Expand program