Users workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews Makoto Asai (SLAC) 10/Oct/2002 Geant4 delta-review
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews2 Outline This presentation addresses to the recommendations #5.3 (practically) and # We recommend that Geant4 adopt a more flexible approach in its interaction with users. The Geant4 Collaboration should examine its support structure, and in particular, improve its support of those users that are not affiliated with development team. 5.5 We recommend that Genat4 collaborators increase their participation in appropriate workshops and that they publish both their models and the validation results in refereed journals. We also recommend a wider adoption of HyperNews or similar tools for communication.
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews3 Geant4 users workshop Users workshops were held or are going to be held hosted by several institutes for anonymous user communities. KEK - Dec.2000, Jul.2001, Mar.2002, Jul.2002 SLAC - Feb.2002 Spain (supported by INFN) - Jul.2002 CERN - Nov.2002 (planned) ESA - Jan.2003 (planned) - dedicated to space-related Mini workshops of one or two days were held or are planned at several places by some collaborators.
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews4 Geant4 Users SLAC About 100 registered participants from HEP, space, medical and other application fields, many of them are not affiliated with developers
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews5 Geant4 Users SLAC 30 tutorials / lectures in 3 days by 14 developers 21 users presentations (7 invited), 6 developers presentations
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews6 Geant4 Users SLAC All tutorial materials are on Web Installation / exercise CD-ROM for both Linux and Windows
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews7 Geant4 users Spain
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews8 Geant4 tutorials / lectures In addition to the users workshops, many tutorial courses and lectures with some discussion time slots were held for various user communities. CERN School of Computing Italian National School for HEP/Nuclear Physicists MC2000 MCNEG workshop KEK, SLAC, DESY, FNAL, INFN, Frascati, Karolinska, GranSasso, etc. ATLAS, CMS, LHCb Tutorials/lectures at universities U.K. - Imperial Italy - Genoa, Bologna, Udine, Roma, Trieste
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews9 Publications and presentations Geant4 general paper had already been in public as preprint and also had already been submitted to NIM. CERN-IT KEK Preprint SLAC-PUB-9350 Other publications, participations/presentations at workshops, conferences, meetings, etc. are listed in our public Web page.
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews10 HyperNews HyperNews system was set up in April 2001
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews11 HyperNews More than 1,500 postings in 18 categories
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews12 HyperNews is quite active
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews13 Some postings are quite novice …
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews14 Some are excellent users contribution
10/10/2002 G4 delta-reviewUsers workshops, publications, presentations and HyperNews15 Summary Users workshops were held and are planned hosted by several institutes for anonymous user communities. Almost all materials given at users workshops and tutorial courses are publicly available on Web. In addition to the users workshops, tutorials and seminars were held at many places with great efforts of developers. We are making our best effort to make Geant4 be publicized through both publications and presences to conferences/workshops. HyperNews system was set up in April 2001 and exchanges of news by both users and developers are getting more and more massive. In many cases, experienced users helped novice users. We are making our best effort to keep ourselves touching with anonymous users.