By Bella and Stella
Page 1 The almost silent fish cased playfully under the layer of crystal shards. The doubtful island… not so doubtful any more stood in front of me like a ghost of its former self. When I saw the island it reminded me of that life changing morning just a few months ago. The map, Captain Zanzibar, it’s all so real now, all true… or is it? How do I know it wasn’t just a picture out of a book that he had seen in his head and told me about? CRASH! My yacht hit the shore, flinging me into the thick knotted undergrowth. Looking back out to sea I decided nothing was there for me, but in the jungle was a start to a new journey, a new adventure. It took a day’s journey to get to the heart of the island. I gazed across a crystal clear lake with a raft gently bobbing to my left. On my right, however, was a dark cave. Should I enter the cave or Go to the lake
Page 2 I wandered up to the lake, curious to find out what it was like. Dipping my finger into the crystal clear water, I quickly drew it out again. It was freezing! My finger was blue! Clutching it with my other hand, I realised it was frozen solid and had no feeling. I couldn’t give up now. Trying to reheat my finger, I looked for a way to cross the lake without freezing to death. As I put my foot down a vine suddenly swung into me knocking me backwards into a muddy puddle. Staggering back up, I remembered the raft. Should I paddle across the lake on the raft or Should I swing across the lake on the vines?
Page 3Whispering my name, the darkness beckoned to me, seeming almost welcoming. I tried to resist but the hypnotic voice was to forceful. I had to enter. I had to. Meandering into the cave, every thing was dark then “AHH HA HA HAAA!” I froze. I looked around, I couldn’t see any thing, then these bright yellow eyes came at me. I fought back into the darkness with whatever was in the cave with me, my feet glued to the floor. SCREECH! Then everything was silent. I had killed it. I could see now that my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. What was that thing? I took a closer look in front of me was the cave entrance but behind me was a tiny speck of light, so small I could barely make it out. Should I search for the light at the end of the cave or Should I go back to the lake
Page 4As I stepped out of the cave, I thought that I could go back to the lake and see if the treasure was on the other side, suddenly as I was half way through the cave mouth a sharp door sliced across the entrance cutting me in half.
Page 5 I grabbed hold of a vine and staggering back I braced myself. Taking a run up I let go of the ground with my feet and gracefully swung across and landed in a huge pile of mud. Looking around I realised I had chose wrongly, there was no treasure, but at least I’d survived!
Page 6 There was a tiny speck of light at the end of the cave, I tiptoed towards it not knowing what to expect. As I got closer it got bigger and bigger, until I was surrounded by the bright golden luminescent light. The light was coming from a large wooden chest. Treasure!!!!! I had found it, at last!!! As I opened it, the light was so bright I had to shield my eyes with my hand, I was rich!!!
Page 7 Pushing gently off the side with the oar, I stood up slowly and started to paddle. Bubble! Bubble! I looked down into the water and noticed bubbles around the raft and thought they were just fish. Slowly, slowly I started to sink. What was happening? It was all going so well! The raft seemed to be dissolving! Suddenly the water was up to my neck, I reached for the oar but that had dissolved too! I knew that this was the end…