Welcome Admitted Student Orientation 2007/2008
Honors Programs SunCoast Area Teacher Training Florida’s Award Winning Teacher Training program contact location: EDU 201 Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society dedicated to scholarship and excellence in Education. For more information, contact location: EDU 202
Professional Academic Advisors Program Director for Undergraduate Programs and Internship...Dr. Paulette Walker Elementary Education Artia Small Physical Education, Exceptional Student Education, Early Childhood Education, Exercise Science Jeany Gonzalez Secondary Education Lynne A. Carlson Student Academic Services, EDU 106
ROTC Information Those who are in ROTC, please verify with your advisor that you can complete your program with your ROTC requirements.
International Students Contact: Kari Saunders, M.A. CPR 107, ,
Reciprocity..... The ability to use your teacher certification in other states, not only Florida. Students who complete a teacher preparation program in USF’s College of Education will meet the requirements for initial/provisional certification in 37 states and the District of Columbia (our national capital).
Gordon Rule Requirements COMMUNICATION - 12 credit hours minimum “C-” grade or higher COMPUTATION - 6 credit hours minimum “C-” grade or higher
Foreign Language Requirements in COE This is a graduation requirement. Two years of the same language in high school will fulfill the requirement. YOU will need to submit your high school transcript to USF prior to graduation, if you have NOT already done so. (USF ID must be on transcript) If you are transferring to USF from another institution, high school information is NOT included and MUST be submitted separately.
Foreign Language Requirements Bachelor of Science degree (BS) - 2 years of the same language taken in high school with 2 Liberal Education Exit courses (Usually built into your COE major) Bachelor of Arts degree (BA) - 2 semester hours taken at the College level with 3 Liberal Education Exit requirements (must be 2 Major Works/Issues courses AND 1 Literature/Writing course).
Degree Programs with ESOL Endorsement Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Exceptional Student Education English Education (grades 6-12) Foreign Language Education (grades K-12) It is YOUR responsibility to identify the specific ESOL requirements for your courses (varies by major). Other majors will take courses required for their individual certification ONLY.
Chalk & Wire A web-based ePortfolio system. More information is available at Chalk & Wire assists students with matching their course assignments to national, state and COE standards. Each Department has developed a “Table of Contents” which indicate “critical tasks” that address the above standards. You must purchase an access code to use Chalk & Wire, either through the USF ComputerStore or on the Chalk & Wire website. Chalk & Wire maintains a Help Desk in EDU 262 to assist students and faculty with the program. Please try to attend a training workshop. Go to for more information and hours of operation.
Degree Audit Reports (SASS Reports) The SASS report is a checklist of YOUR degree requirements. It is YOUR responsibility to ensure each requirement is successfully fulfilled. Advisors only review degree audits by request, for final internship verification and graduation.
How do you read a degree audit? All requirement are separated into categories for state auditing purposes. As an individual item is completed, the minus(- ) will change to a plus(+). As each category is completed the NO will turn to an IP (in progress) and then to OK (all requirements fulfilled within that category). You are aiming for all pluses (+) and OKs.
Tests needed.... In order to complete your degree program, you must complete all sections of the Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE). There are three (3) sections to this examination General Knowledge Test (GKT) Professional Test (PEd) Subject Area Exam (SAE) Secondary Education majors MUST complete the 6-12 SAE. Middle school (5-9) is NOT acceptable.
Semester Interning Date GKT Scores Must be Received by the appropriate SAS Advisor in EDU 106 –no later than 5:00 pm Date FTCE-Subject Area and Professional Ed Scores Must be Received by the Internship Office - no later than 5:00 pm Fall 2007 Friday after Spring 2007 Graduation Friday after Fall 2007 Graduation Spring 2008 Friday after Summer 2007 Graduation Friday after Spring 2008 Graduation Fall 2008 Friday after Spring 2008 Graduation Friday after Fall 2008 Graduation Spring 2009 Friday after Summer 2008 Graduation Friday after Spring 2009 Graduation Fall 2009 Friday after Spring 2009 Graduation Friday after Fall 2009 Graduation Spring 2010 Friday after Summer 2009 Graduation Friday after Spring2010 Graduation
Final Internship You must APPLY to do your Final Internship. Applications are submitted TWO semester in advance. (Final internships occur Fall & Spring semesters ONLY.) Your records are evaluated to verify your eligibility. Approved applications are forwarded to the District/County for placement. The District/County places you in a classroom, based on factors (such as Cooperating Teacher availability).
Fingerprinting Be advised that students may be required to complete a fingerprinting/background check process prior to beginning ANY field experience in any course; any costs related to this process(es) will be the responsibility of the students.
Graduation YOU MUST APPLY TO GRADUATE. An application can be obtained in SAS (EDU 106), the Registrar’s Office (SVC 1034) or on the Registrar’s Office website. Graduation applications may be turned in one semester prior to the semester you are graduating but MUST be received by the third week of the semester you plan to graduate (dates are on application).
Scholarships Scholarships available in the College of Education Apply for any and all you are qualified for. Some go unused and then are inactivated.
Disclosure of Conviction If you have ever been arrested, pleaded nolo contendere, or convicted, your employment and internship will the school districts might be in jeopardy. All students are required to read and sign the Disclosure of Conviction form attached to the College of Education Application. Contact Dr. Paulette Walker,
FERPA FERPA Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act Also known as the Buckley Amendment protects the privacy of student educational records Allows for some student control over disclosure of personal identifiable information from USF records Allows student inspection/review of their individual records Allows students ability/right to deny publication of items considered Directory Information Allows students the right to seek an amendment of their records
What is Directory Information at USF? Student Name Addresses (local, permanent, mailing) Telephone & listings Birthdate Major Field of Study Classification Attendance Dates Enrollment Status Degrees & Awards received Previous institution(s) attended Participation in officially recognized activities & sports Photographic Image
Directory Information Release USF allows students to request “Privacy” to withhold the release of Directory Information When “Privacy” is requested, Directory Information CANNOT be released to ANYONE: Outside USF, except as provided by law Within USF, anyone who does not have a legitimate educational interest or need to know Without a “Privacy” request, it can be released to anyone.
This is NEVER considered Directory Information! Social Security Number Race Ethnicity Nationality Gender Grades Grade Point Average (GPA) Academic Standing
Petitions..... College of Education Petitions Program and Internship Issues (see your advisor) Academic Regulations Committee (ARC) University Rules (See Dr. Paulette Walker) Both petition forms are available on the Blackboard Organization page.
Substitute Teaching Opportunities If you are interested in becoming trained & cleared to work as a substitute teacher in Hillsborough County while you are pursuing your degree: Obtain an application form - call or visit county website: Hillsborough School DistrictHillsborough School District Substitute teaching CANNOT fulfill any required field experiences related to your program of study.
Congratulations and