“Norms” Listen as an Ally Value Differences Maintain Professionalism Participate Actively 1/11/30/norm-peterson-bought-the-house-next-door/
“Turn and Talk” How did you become an effective teacher? cc: Microsoft.com
What Works? Effective Teacher Development –Collaboration –Coaching –PLCs Steve Leinwand, 2012 Panamericancharteracademy.blogspot.com
PHI DELTA KAPPA International Research Bulletin Traditional forms of PD: Workshops Conferences Presentations Courses (daily challenges of teaching)
PHI DELTA KAPPA International Research Bulletin “The most powerful influence on students’ learning is the quality of the teacher.” Ksas5532.eduldogs.org
Key Points Phi Delta Kappan, 2005 Professional development should involve Teachers in the identification of what they need to learn. Teachers in the development of the learning opportunity and/or process.
Key Points Phi Delta Kappan, 2005 Professional development should be primarily school based and integral to the school operations.
Key Points Phi Delta Kappan, 2005 Professional development should provide opportunities to engage in developing a theoretical understanding of the knowledge and skills to be learned.
Professional development of a reform type (e.g., teacher networks or teacher study groups) rather than workshop or conference participation. Consistency with teachers’ goals, other activities, and materials and policies. Collective participation in professional development by a group of teachers or other educators from the same subject, grade, or school. McREL Insights “Professional Development Analysis”
Culture and Professional Development Even when introduced with new “solutions” if they run counter to the culture…they will be tacitly reshaped to fit the underlying reality. - Hay Group Education
Establishing a Culture for Learning Ensure learning is relevant Know your participants Design professional development to address participants stages of learning
Where are we now? Self-Assessment What are your core beliefs about the components of effective professional development? What do believe are your strongest skills as a presenter or designer of professional development? What do you believe are your areas for growth?
Where are we now? Assessing your participants It is important to determine: how receptive participants are to change in general; and how receptive they are to new learning.
Establishing a Culture for Learning Participants fall into four basic categories when faced with change or new learning. Resistance/Denial Confusion/Uncertainty Acceptance and Exploration Commitment and Creation
Where are we now? Resistance/DenialConfusion/ Uncertainty Acceptance/ Exploration Commitment/Creation + Learning/Buy-In - Think about and list characteristics of participants in each group. How might learning look different for each?
Overview Planning Implementation Follow-up Evaluation Tools
Planning to Build Capacity (Template?) Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes
Implementation Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes
Follow-Up Includes: Compliance and Effectiveness Learning Communities Leadership Resources Data Learning Designs Implementation Outcomes
Tool Kit