New Superintendent Mentoring Professional Development Webinar March 26, 2015 Chamberlain Pubic School 7-1 Debra Johnson
Six Characteristics of Great Professional Development 1.Active engagement, challenged to make sense of tools, responsible for own learning. 2.Collaborative 3.Differentiated 4.Personalized 5.Mobile 6.Goal Oriented Leading Change by Tom Daccord Source: eSchool News, June 2014
How do you know if your district has these characteristics? AASA National Conference on Education Professional Development Redesign Ask those involved…
How PD Activities Are Seen by Teachers in Comparison to Administrators PD Activities Courses Conferences Lesson Observation Coaching Intensive Summer Training Self-guided PD Workshops Professional Learning Comm. Source: “Study Finds Poor Execution of “Job-Embedded PD” by S. Sawchuk, Education Week, Feb. 18, 2015 (Vol. 34, #21, p. 6) Teacher SatisfactionAdmin. Views
Professional Development What do you do with the survey information? DEVELOP A PLAN + SLO
Chamberlain’s Plan for Fall In-Service-$55 Credit-DWU Book Studies-CEU Units Technology Work Sessions TIE-Oceti Sakowin Standards Renaissance Star Enterprise SD STARS Conferences/Workshops Top 20 Teacher Training Special Ed. Workshops Administrators-National Conference
Staff Evaluation of Professional Development Session Zoomerang Survey
District Exit Interviews
Professional Development Superintendent’s Plan for Professional Development
Summary PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IS… Unique to each district Building Individual Meet the needs of staff members and serve the over-all mission of the district.
Thank You ! Source Learning Curves, Phil Delta Kappa International, 2013