EMT 351 Digital IC Design Lecturers: En. Rizalafande Che Ismail (Subject Coordinator) Pn. Siti Zarina Md. Naziri Blok B, Tingkat 2, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Ex / Lecturers: En. Rizalafande Che Ismail (Subject Coordinator) Pn. Siti Zarina Md. Naziri Blok B, Tingkat 2, Kompleks Pusat Pengajian Ex /
Will be covering remaining chapters: All about VERILOG SYNTHESIS –Combinational –Sequential –Language constructs SWITCH-LEVEL MODELS –MOS, CMOS in Verilog DESIGN EXAMPLES –FIFO, temperature monitor, bit-slice uC RAPID PROTOTYPING WITH FPGA
CHAPTER 8 Synthesis of Combinational Logic
DEFINITION - SYNTHESIS “Process of creating sequence of transformation between views of a circuit, from a higher level abstraction to a lower one, with each step leading to a more detailed description of the physical reality.”
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS HDL–based synthesis provides: –Alternative to gate-level design –Higher level of design abstraction –Description of overall architecture –Description of functionality Synthesis tools provide: –Automated gate-level representation –Optimal representation –Architectural exploration
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS Design entry HDL behavioral model Design entry HDL behavioral model Design verification Design verification Physical optimization and implementation Physical optimization and implementation PLDFPGA, ArraysStandard cells HDL-based design flow Functional simulation Timing simulation
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS Levels of synthesis –Logic synthesis Boolean description optimal circuit –RTL synthesis RTL description Boolean description –Behavioral (high-level) synthesis Algorithmic model of functionality RTL description
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS – LOGIC SYNTHESIS Tools which operate on Boolean equations & produce optimal combinational logic according to constraints (e.g. speed, area, power & testability) based on library used
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS – LOGIC SYNTHESIS TRANSLATION ENGINE TRANSLATION ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ENGINE MAPPING ENGINE MAPPING ENGINE Technology libraries Two-level logic functions Optimized multi-level logic functions Technology implementation Behavioral description Synthesis tool organization
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS – RTL SYNTHESIS Transforms a behavior described in terms of operations on registers, signals and constraints into an optimal combinational logic and thus map the result into the target technology RTL description represents either a FSM or a more general machine (data-flow graphs) In Verilog, the synthesis is represented by language operators & synchronous concurrent assignment to register variables (i.e. non-blocking assignments)
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS – BEHAVIORAL SYNTHESIS Tools that synthesize data path elements, control units and memory A relatively young technology, but successful tools have been developed supporting behavioral synthesis for DSP applications Poses the great challenge to EDA tools because there are many algorithms still cannot be synthesized easily
HDL-BASED SYNTHESIS – BEHAVIORAL SYNTHESIS Data flow graph representation of behavior
TECHNOLOGY-INDEPENDENT DESIGN Describes only the functionality that needs to be synthesized, not time delays Signals are correct & match the clock boundaries in both behavioral & gate-level realizations –External clock & reset controls all storage element –Inputs to combinational logic are primary inputs or are from storage elements –The combinational logic is assumed to settle in one clock cycle –Outputs may(not) be registered
TECHNOLOGY-INDEPENDENT DESIGN 1.External clock & reset controls all storage element 2.Inputs to combinational logic are primary inputs or are from storage elements 3.The combinational logic is assumed to settle in one clock cycle 4.Outputs may(not) be registered
BENEFITS OF SYNTHESIS Fast generation of the gate-level description from the HDL Reduced effort to debug the gate-level design Efficient gate-level implementation Consistency between RTL and gate-level descriptions Faster mechanism for re-targeting designs (e.g. FPGAs to cells) Higher focus of the design effort (Functionality vs. gates and transistors) Top-down organization with language-based description and documentation
SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY 1.Focus on the overall functionality 2.Create architectural partition (top-down) 3.Develop unit functional descriptions 4.Validate the design units (bottom-up) 5.Follow a technology-independent design style 6.Synthesize a gate-level realization subject to constraints 7.Conduct post-synthesis performance verification to ensure timing and functionalityPRODUCT Technology-specific optimized gate-level realization of the design
SYNTHESIS METHODOLOGY Synthesis tools must be used EFFECTIVELY: –Follow design methodology –Intelligent partitioning of functionality –Smart HDL descriptive style (to achieve expected results) –Awareness of vendor-specific HDL vocabulary (not all are synthesizable) –Post-synthesis verification of gate-level realization
VENDOR SUPPORT Accept source code using the entire Verilog HDL Ignore unsupported usage Time declarations are ignored Delay control (#) is ignored All signals are assumed to be at maximum strength Boolean operations on 'x' and 'z' are forbidden Use only synthesizable constructs Do not instantiate storage elements
VENDOR SUPPORT Module instantiation Name and positional port mapping input, output, inout port modes macromodule, module parameter integer and reg types All numeric bases Identifiers Continuous assignment Procedural assignment Non-blocking assignment Procedural-continuous assignment case, casex, casez, endcase default disable function, endfunction if, if... else, if... else... if Subranges in referenced identifiers Shift, conditional and concatenation operators Procedural blocks (begin … end) wire, wand, wor, tri supply0, supply1 task, endtask (No timing or event controls) FULLY supported Verilog constructs
VENDOR SUPPORT *, /, % –Both operands must be constants or the second operand must be a power of 2. for –The loop range must be bound by static variables fork... join –No event control or delay control greater than a clock period <= Cannot mix blocking and non-blocking assignment in same behavior and, nand, &&, … –May not use explicit ‘x’ or ‘z’ constructs with primitives or operators. PARTIALLY supported Verilog constructs
VENDOR SUPPORT IGNORED Verilog constructs Intra-assignment (delay and event control operators) scalared, vectored small, medium, large specify... endspecify $time weak1, weak0, high0, high1, pull0, pull1 $keyword wait
VENDOR SUPPORT Assignments with bit or part select on LHS Global variables ===, !== cmos, rcmos, rnmos, nmos, pmos, rpmos tran, tranif0, tranif1, rtran, rtranif0, rtranif1 deassign (Not for combinational) defparam event force fork, join forever, while initial pulldown, pullup release repeat UNSUPPORTED constructs (Vendor-dependent)
SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - RULES Avoid technology dependent modeling; i.e. implement functionality, not timing The combinational logic must not have feedback Specify the output of a combinational behavior for all possible cases of its inputs Logic that is not combinational will be synthesized as sequential COMBINATIONAL LOGIC Logic_inputs(t) Logic_outputs(t) Logic_Output(t) = f(Logic_Inputs(t))
SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES Netlist of primitives User-defined primitives (UDPs) Continuous assignments Cyclic behavior Function or task Interconnected modules COMBINATIONAL LOGIC Logic_inputs(t) Logic_outputs(t) Logic_Output(t) = f(Logic_Inputs(t))
Style 1: Netlist of Primitives Combinational logic can be synthesized from a netlist of gate-level Verilog primitives Synthesization by synthesis tool will correct & remove redundant logic provides safety to design module or_nand_1 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; wire w1, w2, w3; or (w1, x1, x2); or (w2, x3, x4); or (w3, x3, x4); nand (y, w1, w2, w3, enable); endmodule SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES
Style 2: UDPs Synthesis tool can operate on a UDP to first obtain an equivalent representation in terms of Boolean expressions, and then optimize the logic (only covered by some tools) module …. table // inputsoutput // a b c y 0 1 ? : 1; 0 0 ? : 0; 1 ? 1 : 1; 1 ? 0 : 0; endtable C A B Y SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES Post-Synthesis
Style 3: Continuous Assignments Synthesis tool translates continuous assignment statement into a set of equivalent Boolean equations which can be optimized simultaneously module or_nand_2 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; assign y = !(enable & (x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); endmodule SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES
Style 4: Cyclic (or Combinational) Behavior The event control expression must not be edge- dependent, and all inputs to the behavior must be included in the event control expression, otherwise a latch will be inferred module or_nand_3 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; reg y; (enable or x1 or x2 or x3 or x4) if (enable) y = !((x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); else y = 1; // operand is a constant. endmodule SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES NOTE: An event control expression does not imply synthesis of a clock or a reg
Style 5: Function or Task Functions - Represent combinational logic because the value produced by a function depends only upon the values of its arguments - As a general rule, incomplete case statements and incomplete conditionals should be avoid in order to implement combinational logic Task -Restrictions is similar to functions, but is more general -However, it must restricted for not using timing control constructs in any procedural code it contains SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES
module or_nand_5 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; reg y; (enable or x1 or x2 or x3 or x4) or_nand (enable, x1, x2, x3c, x4); task or_nand; input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; begin y = !(enable & (x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); end endtask endmodule SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES module or_nand_4 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; assign y = or_nand (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4); function or_nand; input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; begin or_nand = ~(enable & (x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); end endfunction endmodule Simulation result for both module
Style 6: Interconnect Modules Combinational logic can be created by interconnecting & synthesizing modules that implement combinational logic using any styles mentioned before SYNTHESIS OF COMBINATIONAL LOGIC - STYLES
SIMULATION & SYNTHESIS EFFICIENCY The use of procedural-continuous assignment (PCA) (assign.. deassign) reduces the size of the event sensitivity list and improves the simulation efficiency by dynamically changing the sensitivity list However, some tools do not support PCA for synthesis - two models might be used and switched between simulation and synthesis
SIMULATION & SYNTHESIS EFFICIENCY module or_nand_6 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; reg y; (enable) if (enable) assign y = ~((x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); else assign y = 1; endmodule Simulation friendly (prefered for simulation) module or_nand_3 (enable, x1, x2, x3, x4, y); input enable, x1, x2, x3, x4; output y; reg y; (enable or x1 or x2 or x3 or x4) if (enable) y = !((x1 | x2) & (x3 | x4)); else y = 1; // operand is a constant. endmodule Synthesis & simulation friendly (prefered for synthesis) Example: or_nand
TECHNOLOGY MAPPING AND SHARED RESOURCES Synthesis tools include a technology mapping engine that covers the generic, optimized multi-level Boolean description Depends on the tool, it may covered basic library cells or more complex ones If the data flows within the behavior do not conflict, the resource can be shared between one or more paths This feature is vendor dependent, if the tool does not automatically implement resource sharing, the user must write a Verilog code to force the sharing
THREE-STATE BUFFERS Verilog language has built-in constructs for modeling and synthesizing the functionality of three-state devices Three-state devices are controlled by a signal whose value determines whether an input signal is connected to the output This functionality is important in physical circuits having multiple drivers
THREE-STATE BUFFERS BUSES Play an important role in many systems Characterized by a ‘z’ logic to the bus driver signal when the bus control signal is de-asserted. Otherwise the bus is driven Easily described using Verilog continuous assignment module ….. assign data = (bus_enable) ? Output_bus : 32’bz; endmodule control signal
THREE-STATE BUFFERS Bi-directional Bus Drivers Must be capable of sending and receiving data If a module having bi-directional port (inout), the testbench cannot drive the port directly In order to do so, the designers need to assign value to the register before loaded to the bus module … inout [31:0] data_to_from_bus; …. assign in_data = (rcv_data) ? data_to_from_bus : 32’bz; assign data_to_from_bus = (send_data) ? reg_to_bus : data_to_from_bus; endmodule
THREE-STATE BUFFERS Bus Loading The speed of a bus to operate is limited by the capacitive loading placed on it by driving and receiving circuits It is important that Verilog code of a bus circuit be synthesized efficiently The recommended practice is to multiplex the drivers of a bus so that it can reduce the capacitive loading module …. assign data_to_from_bus = (enab_a) ? Reg_a_to_bus: (enab_b) ? Reg_b_to_bus:32’bz; endmodule
THREE-STATE OUTPUTS AND DON’T CARES When the output of a module is assigned by a conditional assignment, a variety of results are possible with some leading to three-state outputs module alu_with_z1…. assign alu_out = (enable == 1) ? Alu_reg:4’bz; (opcode or data_a or data_b) case (opcode) 3’b001: alu_reg = data_a | data_b; 3’b010: alu_reg = data_a ^ data_b; 3’b110: alu_reg = ~data_b; default: alu_reg = 4’b0; // alu_with_z2 has default: alu_reg = 4’bx; endcase endmodule Result of alu_with_z2 synthesis has simpler realization
SUMMARY Combinational logic will form its output based on its input UDPs, continuous assignments, instantiated gates and behaviors that no need memory will be synthesized into combinational logic Combinational logic easily to synthesize but need to aware about unwanted latches that result from incompletely-specified case statements and conditionals END for TODAY