MEDIA LITERACY SURVEY Retrieve the multiple choice survey from your teacher. 10 Questions in 5 Minutes GO! GO! GO! GO! GO! Call to Order
QUESTION #1 1.What percentage of Americans, ages 8 to 18, keep a television set in their bedroom? a. 14% b. 25% c. 42% d. 68%
QUESTION #2 2.The average American seventh grader: a. Watches 3 hours of TV per day b. Plays video games 3 hours per day c. Listens to 3 hours of music per day d. Surfs the internet/ s 3 hours per day
QUESTION #3 3.What percentage of children shares personal information about themselves over the Internet? a. 12% b. 28% c. 47% d. 75%
QUESTION #4 4.Researchers estimate that children view an average of how many TV ads per year? a. 3,000 b. 15,000 c. 40,000 d. 90,0000
QUESTION #5 5.Among the top 20 most watched shows by teens, what percentage includes sexual content? a. 10% b. 50% c. 70% d. 100%
QUESTION #6 6.Approximately how much money was spent on TV advertisements in the 2008 presidential election? a. $15 million b. $70 million c. $125 million d. $450 million
QUESTION #7 7.How much money did teenage consumers spend in 2005? a. $250 million b. $900 million c. $3 billion d. $160 billion
QUESTION #8 8.It is estimated that 63% of American families usually do what? a. Keep the TV on while eating dinner b. Allow kids to surf the Web unsupervised c. Have the radio on while traveling in the car d. Allow children under 18 to see R-rated movies
QUESTION #9 9.What percentage of Americans under the age of 30 read a newspaper on a typical day? a. 12% b. 23% c. 62% d. 87%
Key Term MASS MEDIA Organizations that provide news and information to the general public (citizens)
Organizations providing news: Internet
Books and TV
Organizations providing news Newspapers, Magazines, Radio
What does the Mass Media do? Called the “fourth branch of government” because it influences how people think Millions of dollars are spent on campaign advertisements to persuade voters toward the end of a campaign The media takes exit polls (surveys) as people leave the voting booths that may discourage voting
The mass media can dictate (decide) what issues will be popular and unpopular
Elliot Spitzer: governor who was caught in a sex scandal
If mass media gives one issue major attention, then other issues will lose their importance to the public
What causes different media sources to focus some issues more than others? Bias influences media’s decisions Bias = to heavily favor one group, issue or opinion over others Media Prejudice
Example of Bias Mr. Lummel loves his Buffalo Bills So when people debate who the best team in the NFL is, he’s biased to his team.
Conservative or Liberal Bias Liberal bias - support issues, opinions and people that are liberal Conservative bias - support issues, opinions and people that are conservative
Media can send messages through what it chooses to report This reporter is listing the number of dead soldiers in Iraq, but is he really saying something else?
____ has a bias for reporting American wrongdoing (mistakes)
CNN has a bias for reporting American wrongdoing (mistakes)
Amount of reporting on an issue will influence its importance to the public Stories on Cable TV about Iraq have varied from month to month
What is FOX NEWS (FNC) biased towards? Fox has a _____ Iraq War bias and therefore they report more U.S. victories
What is FOX NEWS bias towards? Fox has a PRO Iraq War bias and therefore they report more U.S. victories
Politicians use Media to persuade voters and get their vote
TV Ad Money Spent in the 2008 Presidential Election
Endorsements: Joe Flacco likes Pizza Hut, and so should you!
Endorsement: Oprah and Obama
7 Days Before Election Day A lot of money is spent Candidates use attack ads frequently The goal is to win over undecided voters, which are also called “swing voters”
Mass Media Conclusion Is made up of TV, Internet, Magazines, Newspapers, Books and Radio Known as the 4 th branch of Government Provides general public with information Different Media outlets have bias towards certain issues Political Parties use the media to attack each other