D Appendix D.11. Toward Net-Centric Acquisition Oversight A Proposal for an Acquisition Community of Interest (COI) MID 905 Streamlined Acquisition Working Group Leonard Sadauskas, OASD(NI2) DASD(CIO) CP/O x 102
D Content Purpose Vision MID 905 Tasking Key tenets for MID 905 implementation Applying the tenets to enterprise acquisition management COI for governing acquisition management information Roles of the COI Notional plan for implementation Remaining Issues
D PURPOSE To open a dialog for the establishment of an Acquisition Community of Interest that will govern the net-centric data and resources required to manage the Department’s acquisitions
D Vision of Net-centric Acquisition Oversight Oversight of an investment is delegated to the lowest echelon consistent with the risk of the program and the ability of the acquisition team to manage the risk Oversight requirements are prescribed at program initiation –Delegation level –Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) –Acquisition information data set Oversight subsequent to initiation is accomplished through insight into and analysis of the acquisition information set, unless the APB is breached; other information required The acquisition information set is in a “portal” and available in real time to all designated stakeholders
D MID 905 Streamlined IT Acquisition Process Language The Rapid Improvement Team (RIT) Information Technology (IT) Portal and Community of Practice (COP) initiatives provide a forum for posting Program Manager and Program Execution Office data and making it available to be pulled by the rest of the acquisition community across the Department. The alternative recommends the approach become the standard for all IT acquisition information. The DoD CIO and the Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition, Technology and Logistics) will jointly develop a plan to identify resource requirements and savings that can be expected to accrue from use of the portal, by May 2003, for inclusion in the FY 2005 Budget Estimate Submission.
D MID 905 Key IT Architectural Tenets Only handle information once –Requires that technology and processes be reengineered and integrated to minimize time and effort dedicated to data collection and entry Post before processing –Provides users immediate access to data and eliminates delays normally caused by processing or analyzing information before it is disseminated System users must have the technical capability to access data when it is needed –The ability to pull data when it is needed, in the form that it is needed, is a vital component of net-centricity Collaboration technologies must be utilized to assist users in making sense of the data that is pulled –Enables use of subject matter experts, at a different location, even outside DoD, to maximize benefits of the information that has been gathered Diverse network paths must provide users with the capability to operate freely in an environment that is reliable and secure –When operational, the net-centric environment will eliminate current interoperability concerns and strengthen information assurance
D Near Term Concept for Achieving Net Centric Acquisition Information Management ARMY Acquisition Enterprise AIR FORCE Acquisition Enterprise NAVY Acquisition Enterprise Agency Acquisition Enterprise SAE PEO PM Packaged Information Products APB DAES SAR UCR Metrics Other SAE PEO PM Packaged Information Products APB DAES SAR UCR Metrics Other SAE PEO PM Packaged Information Products APB DAES SAR UCR Metrics Other SAE PEO PM Packaged Information Products APB DAES SAR UCR Metrics Other Data Pull DataExchange (As needed) DataExchange IT CoP & Acquisition COI OSD Analysts OSD Subscriber Filter Congress Other Org’s E.g., OMB, DoDIG, GAO, Trade Pubs Other UCR SAR PackagedInformationProducts ADM Metrics APB PackagedInformationProducts Other Sources (e.g., PA&E, Comptroller) OSD leverages Component Enterprise Systems Data Pull DataExchange (As needed) OSD Defined Information Requirements Component Defined Information Requirements CIO
D Satisfying the MID 905 tenets for acquisition management information with GIG Enterprise Services Tools for Acquisition Data Set Analysis COI Acquisition Information Policy Acquisition Users PMO PEO SAE PSA JS OSD Messaging Discovery Mediation Collaboration GIG Core Enterprise Services Storage
D Notional Plan to Achieve Net-Centric Acquisition Decision Support RIT Experience Mid 905 Phase 1 MID 905 Phase 2 MID 905 Phase 3 GES FUNCTIONALITY TIME FY03FY04FY05FYXX O&M Business Financial Architecture Acquisition Domain
D Roles of the COI Set acquisition data policy –Solicit and integrate acquisition information set requirements Establish and maintain the acquisition information architecture Develop and defend acquisition data processing and communications resource requirements –Unique acquisition data analysis requirements –Gig Enterprise Services infrastructure requirements Oversee the implementation of net-centric acquisition oversight Establish, collect and analyze metrics
D Remaining Issues How will the Acquisition COI map to the: –Acquisition Domain structure within Business Modernization and Systems Integration (BMSI) –Functional Capability Boards within the Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) –JCIDS Knowledge Management Decision Support Gatekeeping Process How should the Acquisition COI be organized? –Core group with senior level (AT&L, NI2 and I) steering group –Additional duty working group reporting to steering group –Included under an existing structure that includes
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D JCIDS Knowledge Management Decision Support Gatekeeping Process KM/DS Joint PD Decision JROC Interest Joint Impact Joint Integration Independent GATEKEEPER 5 Day Goal Developed by the Sponsor DOTLPF 3180 Process JCIDS Documents KM/DS Knowledge Management Decision Support tool
D Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System Analysis Functional Area Joint Functional Concepts Integrated Architectures Functional Area Analysis Functional Needs Analysis DOTLPF Changes CJCSI 3180 Process Materiel Changes CJCSI 3170 process Ideas for Materiel Approaches Analysis of Materiel Approaches D O T M L P F Alternative 1 Alternative 2 ICD Functional Solution Analysis Strategic Policy Guidance CDD CPD Post Independent Analysis DOTLPF Change Recommendation