Family Cheloniidae Marine Turtles Paddle-like limbs - shaped carapaces covered in scutes Include some of the largest living turtles
Family Cheloniidae Loggerhead Green Turtle Atlantic Hawksbill Caretta caretta Green Turtle Chelonia mydas Atlantic Hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata Kemp’s Ridley Lepidochelys kempi
Loggerhead 5 or more costal scutes 1st costal touching nuchal 3 scutes on bridge costals
Loggerhead Prefrontal scales
Green Turtle 4 costal scutes 1st costal not touching nuchal 4 scutes on bridge costals
Green Turtle Prefrontal scale
Atlantic Hawksbill 4 costal scutes 1st scute not touching nuchal 4 scutes on bridge
Atlantic Hawksbill
Kemp’s Ridley 5 costal scutes 1st costal scute touching nuchal 4 scutes with pores on bridge
Kemp’s Ridley
Family Dermochelyidae Leatherback Turtle Dermochelys coriacea
Leatherback Smooth, scute-less carapace 7 prominent keels
Leatherback Endothermic?! How? Core body temp of 25C Large size Layer of blubber Countercurrent heat exchangers High metabolic rate High levels of hemoglobin