Laura Ellenbecker and Susan Woodmansey South Dakota Department of Education Office of Data Management
Infinite Campus is the vendor that South Dakota uses for our Student Information Management System (SIMS) Student data is entered into Infinite Campus at the District level Certain student data “syncs” from the District up to the State The SD Department of Education can then extract that data to use for reporting purposes
The SD DOE uses your data throughout the year: o State Aid/Fall Enrollment - Data must be entered into Infinite Campus by Oct. 15 th o Special Education Child Count – December 1 st Federal Reports (Consolidated State Performance Reports, EdFacts Reporting) Assessment Reports NCLB Report Card Attendance/Graduation rates Assessment ID labels Legislative Requests and other general data requests
Students must be enrolled on the last Friday in September (this year it was September 24 th ) Student’s enrollment for any percent of day will be included in the count Open-enrolled students are counted in the district in which they are enrolled and served Students assigned out of district but for whom the resident district pays a tuition cost are included in the resident district count Out of state students (except for open enrolled students from ND and MN) are excluded from this count Home School students are not included in this count Applicable to public school districts only
All of the data used to calculate State Aid comes from information that you put into Infinite Campus
Important Fields in Infinite Campus!!
It is an unduplicated count of all children with disabilities ages 3-21 receiving special education and related services according to an individualized education program (IEP) on December 1 st of each year.
Why the December 1 Special Ed Child Count is Important to You!
Level for disability funding calculation Disability Level 1Specific Learning Disabled, Speech/Language Impairment, Other Health Impaired, and Developmentally Delayed Level 2Emotional Disturbance, and Cognitive Disability Level 3Deaf/Blind, Hearing Impairments, Orthopedic Impairments, Visually Impaired, Deafness, and Traumatic Brain Injury Level 4Autism Level 5Multiple Disabilities (must include 2 or more level 2 or 3 disabilities, not including Deaf/Blind) Funding amounts are defined in codified law
The Primary Disability is used to determine Special Education State Aid Funding.
If you have further questions regarding Infinite Campus, please feel free to call me at or me at THANK YOU