The Arts Children love to draw, paint, cut, paste, mold clay, and dough. They also enjoy moving to and making music, and pretending. The Arts are important because they give children different ways to express their feelings. We involve children in all of the Arts.
Technology Technology is about more than just computers. It’s about using tools to get a job done, such as: Using tools at the workbench Listening to stories and songs on CD Using the SmartBoard Using magnifying glasses and binoculars
Language Children who know many words usually have an easier time learning to read. They learn new words when adults talk with them, describe what they see, name objects, and explain what new words mean.
English Language Acquisition We encourage you to speak the language that you are most fluent in at home with your child. We will be working on English in school.
Our Daily Schedule When a daily schedule and routine is in place, children feel secure and become independent learners. Arrival Circle Time Small Group Centers Snack Time Story Time Music/Motor/Movement Large Group Dismissal
Interest Areas (Centers) Our classroom is divided into interest areas for children to explore, make things, experiment, and pursue their interests. These areas promote learning and development. Blocks Dramatic Play Table Toys/Games Art Library Writing Discovery/Science Music/Movement Sensory Technology Cooking/Snack Outdoor
Gold Assessment System How do we know our students are learning? Observe and Document child’s learning over time. Evaluate skills compared to research-based indicators. Progress Checkpoints: November, February and May.
We are Ready for Kindergarten! We Did It! Hooray for PreK!