Every One Matters, Inc. Beautifying Schools And Uniting Communities Every One Matters, Inc
Our Mission Every One Matters is a California 501 (c) (3) non- profit corporation created to help schools and communities join together and complete beautification projects on campus.
Every One Matters, Inc What We Do Raise community awareness and interaction in local schools and their communities Beautify and improve school campuses and recreation areas Set an example of giving to and caring for school children and their communities Ensure that each beautification day event is day of safety, fun and results! It’s ALL about the kids!
Every One Matters, Inc How We Do It Identify schools in need and define projects with school administration Determine beautification day event date Coordinate volunteers, the community, school administration, and children’s participation for their beautification day event Obtain and organize supplies and materials for project completion Raise funds and organize marketing opportunities for corporation/organization participation
Every One Matters, Inc Why We Do It Children are our future and schools are the Foundation of their education and development– What better place to give?! There are more than 80,000 schools in the United states, many of which need our services There are more than 1500 schools in the San Francisco bay area alone in need of assistance Provide opportunities for communities to get involved with their local schools and the children Schools don’t have access to discretionary funds, nor available and aware bodies – we can provide both Every One Matters beautification day builds self-esteem in all volunteers, especially participating children – we help to create life-changing experiences Our projects are fun and rewarding
Every One Matters, Inc Long-Term Impact Organizations and EOM partners mentor the children, and stay involved The children have more pride in their school, in one another and respect for themselves and their accomplishments School attendance is improved People in the community bond together to continue to make a difference Corporations and organizations gain recognition within their community
Every One Matters, Inc Marketing Opportunities As a corporate sponsor, the following marketing opportunities may be available –Banners on-site (complete sponsorship*) –PSA’s (EOM coordinated) –Water bottles/hats/T-shirts –Giveaways (age appropriate) –Promote your participation by posting a link from your website to our project highlighted on the EOM website –Press stories –We’d like to hear your ideas as well Company Name Here
Every One Matters, Inc Donations Complete Sponsorship* of one EOM school Beautification Day event: $20,000 JOIN THE FUN! –In addition to financial support, EOM encourages sponsors to provide employee volunteer participation
EVERY ONE MATTERS! Thank You! Every One Matters, Inc Help Make a Difference in the Lives of Children because ….