Warm Up: Write a paragraph that summarizes primary productivity and secondary productivity. Explain how you would calculate each.
Energy Dynamics Lab Ojective To investigate the net primary productivity of mung beans and the net secondary productivity of pill bugs
Part 1: Mung Beans The mung beans were massed and determined to have an average mass of g They were sprouted and allowed to grow for 7 days We will now determine the primary productivity of the mung bean
Materials Mung bean plants, scales, dehydrator 1. Write a detailed procedure of how you would determine the net productivity of the mung bean plant – Include any information (constants) you would need – Include specific calculations you would perform to get your final answer
Part 1: Mung Beans Obtain 2 different plants Mass each to get the ‘live wet mass’ record this on your data sheet Place in dehydrator on labeled paper towel Mass after dehydration to get ‘dried mass’ Begin calculations for primary productivity
Part 2: Pill Bugs Using pill bugs and potatoes you will now determine the secondary productivity of pill bugs in different environments 2. Write a detailed procedure of how you would determine the secondary productivity – Explain what constants or information you will need – Explain any calculations you will make to get your final answer
Part 2: Pill Bugs Mass 5 pill bugs and your potato slices
Productivity Review Primary: Indirectly measure by determining the change in biomass of plants for a specific amount of time – Dry biomass (why?) Secondary: Indirectly measure by determining the amount of chemical energy in food is converted to new biomass in a given amount of time
Calculations Make a step by step guide for your calculations that you will perform tomorrow to get – Primary productivity of mung beans over 7 days – Secondary productivity of pill bugs over 1 day
While we wait….. Lab Posters on productivity! Today: Introduction, method, data table (blank), calculations (once approved by Ms. Poole) Make it neat and presentable!