Eclipse Basics Create projects Debug Import/Export: s/import_export/ s/import_export/ Javadoc: als/javadoc/index.html als/javadoc/index.html
Eclipse Basics How do I turn off autobuilding of Java code? Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Build automatically Expand/Collapse – Java perspective – Debug perspective Accessing Java API documentation using Javadoc bar
Eclipse basics Add Import statements Code formatting Add Javadoc comments: Shift+Alt+J Command line arguments Generate getters/setters Generate constructors Override methods
Eclipse basics Preferences – How to change editing prefs: General → Appearance → Colors and Fonts → Java Editor text font Show windows/views
How to use a new jre Goto Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed Jre's Add the jre folder. Ex. C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_02