Forces driving the Internet Economy Internet Economy Changing customer demand Internet ubiquity Globalization New technologies and intermediaries
E-Business Efficiency RevenueGrowth Traditional Expense Growth e-business Grow Revenues vs. Expenses T I M E S A L E S / E X P E N S E S
Focus Spending On Where It Counts GenericBusinessApplications GenericBusinessApplications DifferentiatingBusinessApplications Differentiating Business Applications MoneySaved IT Spend TodayTomorrow
CustomerService Call Center Direct Sales Web Store Indirect Sales Channel C U S T O M E R S e-Business Areas Customer-side BusinessApplications Self Service Applications BusinessIntelligenceApplications SuppliersSuppliers ServiceProvidersServiceProviders EMPLOYEES InternalSupply-Side
True E-Business Functions HR Order Mgmt Supply Chain Procurement Marketing Sales ServiceFinancials
Websites 포탈 E-Services 포탈 Dynamic brokering 과거에는 여행을 간다면 직접 해당 웹사이트를 찾아가야 여행 전문 포탈 웹 사이트를 찾아가면 해당 웹사이트로 link 가 있어 직접 해당 웹 사이트로 찾아가야 여행 전문 E-Services 포탈 웹 사이트를 찾아가면 직접 해당 웹사이트를 찾아갈 필요 없이 자동 연결 여행 전문 E-Services 포탈 웹 사이트를 찾아갈 필요 없이 기기나 다른 방법으로 많은 서비스 이용 hotel website airline website rental car website hotel website airline website rental car website reservation E-Services weather E-Services restaurant reservation E-Services hotel booking E-Services airline booking E-Services BROKER YOU Reservation E-Services travel E-Services airline booking E-Services weather E-Services travel E-Services travel E-Services restaurant reservation E-Services hotel booking E-Services airline booking E-Services hotel booking E-Services hotel booking E-Services E-Business 영역 변화
What an eBusiness brand feels like... TraditionalEarly WebeBusiness Value proposition Speed Scope Product Information WeeksDays Local, regionalNational Service Minutes Global
How an e-Business Brand operates... Seller-selected Buyer-selected Presale Post-sale 100s10,000s1,000,000s List Market TraditionalEarly Webe-Business Product attributes Production Daily customer interactions Prices Service availability 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays 24x7
Value creation and e-Business brands... Product Position Customer Acquisition Customer Retention Standard Targeted Customized TraditionalEarly WebeBusiness Focus of marketing Customer relationships Strategic asset Location Visibility Customer Database
e-Business 의 특징 Globalization Internet Oriented (Any Time, Any place) Business Transformation Customer ( 불특정 고객 ) 중심 Internal and External Integration Community 중심 Virtual ( 가상 ) Synchronization Interactive
Two stages of the Internet economy 10% Commerce threshold Hypergrowth 90% Market penetration Time
Fourth channel strategies Create mutual support between channels Leverage domination in old channels Synchronize channels Same result
eBusiness Networks Extranets eCommerce eMarketplaces One-to- one Many-to- many Person-to- person Machine -to- machine Online Business Relationships Evolve
e-Business Networks Are Different e-Business NetworkToday Virtually IntegratedVertically Integrated Shape of companies LowHigh Partner Switching Cost PerformanceRelationship Basis for Trust Human-AssistedComputer-Assisted Decision-Making Detected and KnownModeled and Forecasted Supply and Demand Extensive and FastLimited and Slow Information Diffusion
e-Business Networks characteristics Process focus Intracompany Intercompany Data strategy Own and hide Share and exploit Basis for trust Brand Performance Decision making Computer- assisted Human- assisted Industry evolution Consolidation Specialization Today e-Business Networks
MP Model & Services Logistics Payment Insurance Quality Checking Credit Checking Buyer Seller Marketplace infra service Community Service Value Creating Service CorecommunitymembersCorecommunitymembers Coreinfra-serviceprovidersCoreinfra-serviceprovidersIntelligentMPServiceIntelligentMPServiceValueCreatingServicesValueCreatingServices AutomatedInfra-ServicesAutomatedInfra-Services CommunityServicesCommunityServices
The new landscape : eBusiness networks
i- Procurement (MRO) Buyer’s Virtual Catalog Electronic Documents ( Electronic Marketplaces Catalogs Electronic Catalogs from Content Providers Suppliers Direct Supplier with XML, EDI, OBI, etc Order Mgmt. Receiving Sourcing & Approval Source and Procure Pay on Receipt Invoicing Financial Reporting Local Catalog PayRequest EC Gateway EC Gateway Orders & Schedules Receipts & Payments Posted RFQs Supply Management Portal Procurement Server
Ford Suppliers SupplierSelfserviceSelfservice Ford General Information InformationSupplierDirectory CatalogsBiddingNegotiation Integration Transaction Auto-Xchange XML, EDI, etc Oralce Exchange Portal Service Oralce’s Internet ProcurementSolutions Suppliers ContentsPartner MarketPlace MarketPlace Case Study: Auto Exchange
MarketPlace 와 XML Community / Contact Point 사용자 Web BrowserPhone / FAX / External Application 제공서비스 TradingRFQ 및 Bidding 역 / Auction Brokering ( 공동구매 / 판매 ) Billing TrackingCollaborationPlanningReplenishment Call Center 공유 서비스 지 불지 불인증 Workflow 보고서 발행 및 분석상황 추적 및 인도 Profiling Catalog 및 Content 관리 검색 Transaction Monitors Repository BackOffice 개인서비스광고채팅 / 게시판 / Discuss Group / ForumConference 개발 관리 사용자 관리 / MP 구성 및 관리 / Permission 관리 운용관리 Directory 관리 Security MarketPlace 운영조직 총무영업운영기술고객서비스마케팅기획인사 Transformation XML, EDI, etc. 공급업체공급업체 구매업체구매업체 물류 / 유통 업체 XML, EDI, etc. EAI ( 타 시스템 Interface) Legacy / ERP Legacy / ERP Legacy / ERP
e-Commerce Hypergrowth timing by region Asia Pacific Latin America Western Europe Eastern Europe Africa and Middle East Weighted average Earliest country Latest country North America
Asian Emergence into the Internet Economy Commerce threshold Japan Singapore China Hypergrowth begins Hong Kong Taiwan Korea
10 Answers to E-Business Efficiencies Disparate or Integrate Customize or Configure Distribute or Centralize Local or Global Complex or Simple Administration or Self-Service Transactions or Intelligence Conceal or Share Physical or Virtual Convention or Intuition