„Co-operation on Oil & Gas developments in Africa“ 11 th African Oil and Gas, Trade and Finance Confernce, 23 rd – 25 th May 2007, Kenyatta International Conference Centre Nairobi, Kenya Walter Englert, Deputy Secretary General & Head of Energy / Natural Resources Department, German African Business Association NOT AN OFFICIAL UNCTAD RECORD
2.The German Energy Market 2.1Oil Imports Oil (Mio. Barrel) , ,4 %+ 2,0 German Oil Imports Destatis 2007 Origin of the German Oil Imports 2005
2.2Gas Imports Gas (Billion cbm) , ,7 %-1,2 German Gas Imports Origin of the German Gas Imports 2005 BP Report 2006
2.3Oil and Gas Consumption Oil (Mio. bpd)Gas (Mio. cbm/day) USA20,7USA1.735,6 China6,9Russia1.109,9 Japan5,4UK 259,2 Russia2,8Canada 250,4 Germany2,6Iran 242,5 India2,6Germany 235,3 The Worlds largest Oil & Gas Consumers (2005) BP Report 2006, EIA 2007
3.German Energy Activities in Africa 3.1German Direct Investments in Africa Total 2005: Mio. Euro German Investments in selected Countries 2005 (Mio. €) South Africa3.703 Egypt 413 Libya 406 Morocco 190 Algeria 124 Nigeria 107 Tunisia 104 Kenia 84 Deutsche Bundesbank 2007
3.2African Oil Exports to Germany African Oil Exports to Germany (Mio. Barrel) % change Libya 71,8 85,8 94,6+ 31,8 + 10,3 Algeria 28,6 19,1 33,7+ 17,8 + 76,4 Nigeria 22,0 7,3 15,4- 30, ,0 Egypt 0,2 1,5 4, ,3 Angola 2,2- 0,2- 90,0- Rep. Congo 5,9- 0,1- 98,3- Africa total131,2115,1142,2+ 8,4 + 23,5 Destatis 2007
3.3African Gas Exports to Germany To be developed
3.4Examples of German Energy Projects in Africa 3.4.1Upstream, Midstream, Downstream Upstream - Libya - Algeria - Mauritania Midstream - Nigeria (WAGP) - Sudan - Libya Downstream - Egypt - South Africa
3.4.2Power and Renewables Power Projects - Nigeria (Thermal Power Stations) - Libya (Tobruk II) - Mosambik (Mepanda Uncua and Cahora Bassa North Bank) - Kongo (Inga I + II) Renewable Energy Projects - Ethiopia (Ashegoda Wind Park) - Morocco (Ain Beni Mathar)
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