IPHAS EDR: Where are we? Catalogues up to January 2006 ingested Catalogue totals: Rows: 430M Gb: 400Gb Images are available
FieldsAll - table with field centres ChipsAll - table with chip properties + DQC PhotoObj - table of object parameters PhotoObjBest - view with best observations Objects detected in 3 bands, seeing<=1.7, ellipticity<=0.25 duplicate sources?
Documentation Paper to MNRAS, astro-ph by the date we want to make it really public Documentation in needs updatingwww.astrogrid.org Announcement in There is a placeholder for documentation at CASU web pages
Documentation Similar to Survey description, sky coverage, data quality Data processing (brief) Data products: what they are, how to use them Catalogue description, user access, examples Example usage: cross matching with GPS
Documentation Helper scripts to perform searches: Cone search: Image Search: cone_iphas.py -o cat.vot siap_iphas.py -o images.vot
Using overlaps for photometric calibration Glazebrook et al. 2004