Rocio Prieto - Comisión Nacional de Energía 19th Madrid Forum March 2011 CMPs and anti-hoarding in European LNG terminals Results from public consultation
2 19th Madrid Forum, March 2011 LNG imports in ,523 (34.4%) 10,506 (17,6%) 6,657 (11.2%) 4,581 (7,7%) 923 (1.5%) 14,170 (23.8%) LNG represents 18% of total gas supplies in Europe in /2009 LNG imports growth: 25.4% Tm imported per country in 2010 () Percentage of total European LNG supplies 2,250 (3.8%) Source: Waterbone
3 19th Madrid Forum, March 2011 Algeria 21% Norway 4% Qatar 41% Nigeria 18% Trinidad 7% Egypt 5% European LNG imports in 2010 Others: Perú Yemen Libya Oman Ecuatorial Guinea Source: Waterbone
4 19th Madrid Forum, March 2011 European LNG imports in 2010 Source: Waterbone Share of LNG in total net imports : Belgium : 12% France : 28% Greece: 24% Italy : 10% Portugal : 60% Spain : 76,3% UK : 17%
5 19th Madrid Forum, March 2011 Results from ERGEG public consultation on LNG terminals: CMPs and anti- hoarding - Consultation launched in November 2010: 13 shippers responded, providing 57 answers in 7 countries. - Main results from the Public Consultation: Satisfaction with the CAMs and CMPs applied; Respondents report that CMPs have been rarely applied to them; Certain concerns regarding availability of slots, level of tariffs, short term capacity access conditions or features of the services not meeting the market needs; Clear support for the organisation of secondary capacity markets; Support for an obligation to re-sell unused capacities; Request for a stronger involvement of LSOs in the organisation of secondary markets; Shippers do not ask for short term capacities very often - services offered not always suiting their needs; Significant differences between countries in terms of availability of information.
6 19th Madrid Forum, March 2011 Conclusions of the CMP study and way forward The Public Consultation enabled CEER to gain market insight and to elaborate the conclusive parts of the CMP study; The content of the CMP study has been updated, stakeholders´ views included, and conclusions and recommendations drafted; As no outstanding result was extracted from the consultation, CEER intends to take pragmatic actions that can lead to concrete regulatory progress : 1. CEER to define, together with GLE, a common template, to be published by each terminal LSO on its webpage, to help users identify the information needed to access any European LNG terminal 2. CEER to propose a short list of indicators that NRAs can use to assess the existence of capacity hoarding in each terminal action recommended 3.LNG to be taken into account when discussing the target model, due to its growing importance in the European supply portfolio.