Budget -Revenues: $47.66 billion -Expenditures: $65.05 billion *Budget deficit
Gross Domestic Product Year Gross domestic product, current prices Percent Change % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % %
Imports $51.54 billion Exports $25.02 billion Partners US, China, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Saudi Arabia Spain, Italy, US, India, Saudi Arabia, China, Libya, Jordan
Agriculture & Industries -Useable land is only 5% of total land mostly along the fertile Nile River Valley Industries include:
More Statistics & Rankings… Unemployment Rate Poverty Labor Force
Bibliography html html middleeast/01economy.html middleeast/01economy.html o/2008/car021308a.htm o/2008/car021308a.htm
Where did the money go?