DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH. DIRECT SPEECH CHARACTERISTICS:  It is original quotation of a talk  It is always placed between two quotation marks  It.


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Presentation transcript:


DIRECT SPEECH CHARACTERISTICS:  It is original quotation of a talk  It is always placed between two quotation marks  It is always preceded by Capital letter

CCCColon (:), Comma (,) are placed before direct speech when the introductory verb position is in the front CCCComma (,) are placed after direct speech when the introductory verb position is placed after or between the direct speech

 The use of punctuation like exclamation mark (!), question mark (?) that point type of sentence of direct speech do not change Eg. - ‘Where do you live?’ she asked - My mother says to my sister: ‘Wash your hands!’ - She yelled at me: ‘Don’t have the door open!’

INDIRECT SPEECH  It is a kind of report sentence (reported speech)  It retells one’s talk or idea  It undergoes certain modification

 It has three types of indirect speech 1. Imperative (Command/request) 2. Declarative (Statement) 3. Interrogative (question

1. Imperative (Command/request) – The reported is a command – Because of a command so that it does not know subject – The verb in direct imperative does not change

- Imperative has contain verb 1 like go, sleep, open etc so in the indirect speech is preceded by to infinitive) namely to go, to sleep, to open

 It also has non verb, so the reported command is preceded by ‘Be + adjective/adverb!’ like: be quiet, be happy, be here so in the Indirect Speech it becomes to be quiet, to be happy, to be here

POSITIVE IMPERATIVE: INDIRECT SPEECH She told me to go away She ordered her to go away She asked him to come there She commended them to come there I begged us to be quite I suggested the children to be quite She ordered the children to be quiet She warned to be happy She asked him to help her oooooooooooooooooooo DIRECT SPEECH She said, “Go away!” “Come here!” she said. I said, “Be quite!” ‘Be quiet!’ she yelled at the children She begged, “Be happy!” ‘Please help me!’ she told him ooooooooooooooooooo

NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE: INDIRECT SPEECH She told me not to go away She ordered her not to go away She asked him not to come there She commended them not to come there I begged us not to be noisy I suggested the children not to be noisy She warned us not to be lazy She advised Laila not to be lazy She told him not to worry about it oooooooooooooooooooo DIRECT SPEECH She said, “Don’t go away!” “Don’t Come here!” she said I said, “Don’t Be noisy!” She begged, “Don’t be lazy!” ‘Don’t be lazy!’ she said to Laila ‘Don’t worry about it!’ She said to him ooooooooooooooooooo

Declarative (Statement) A. Pronoun and Possessive adjective DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH IHe/She Youme/he/she/them/I/him/her Myhis/her Ourtheir/our YourMy/his/her

Declarative (Statement) B. Adverb of time and Place DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  nowthen  todaythat day  tomorrowthe next day the day after the following day a day later   nextthe … after  the following …

Declarative (Statement) B. Adverb of time and Place DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  last …the … before the previous … the preceding …  … ago… before  … earlier  yesterdaythe day before the previous day the preceeding day  the day before yesterdaytwo days before  herethere  thisthat  thesethose

Declarative (Statement) C. Tenses DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Present SimplePast Simple  Present ContinuousPast Continuous  Present PerfectPast Perfect  Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous

Declarative (Statement) C. Tenses DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Future SimplePast Future  Future ContinuousPast Future Continuous  Future PerfectPast Future Perfect  Future Perfect ContinuousPast Future Perfect Continuous

Declarative (Statement) C. Tenses DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Past SimplePast Perfect  Past ContinuousPast Perfect Continuous  Past PerfectPast Perfect

Let’s see the following changes DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Verb 1Verb 2  Verb 2Had + Verb 3  Iswas  Amwas  Arewere  Havehad  Hashad  Dodid  Doesdid  Was/werehad been  Didhad + verb 3

Let’s see the following changes DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Cancould  Maymight  Musthad to  Shallshould  Willwould

Let’s see the following changes DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Ought to + verb 1ought to + have + verb 3 / been  Could+ verb 1could + have + verb 3 / been  Might+ verb 1might + have + verb 3 / been  Should+ verb 1should + have + verb3 / been  Would+ verb 1would + have + verb 3 / been

Examples: DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH  Andi: ‘I will go now.’Andi said that he would go then  Rani: ‘They love me.’Rani told me they loved her  ‘I’ve been writing’, Dina Dina answered that she answered had been writing Mother: ‘I was sick yesterday.’Mother told that she had been sick the day before

3. Interrogative (question) a. Preceded by Auxiliary  When the question is preceded by auxiliary that needs yes/No answer it will be used the conjunction if or whether in the indirect speech  The steps how to make indirect speech: –The question sentence of the indirect speech is firstly changed to be statement –It then follows the rules before

Example DIRECT SPEECHINDIRECT SPEECH Doctor: ‘Do you usually take a nap?’  It is firstly changed to be: You usually take a nap Doctor asks if/whether I usually take a nap You usually take a nap Doctor asks if/whether I usually take a nap

Example DIRECT SPEECH Mary: ‘Are you a student?’ –It is firstly changed to be: You are a student You are a student INDIRECT SPEECH –Ratu asked if/whether I was a student

Example DIRECT SPEECH John: ‘May I borrow your car?’  Preceded by Question Word (QW) –It is firstly changed to be: I may borrow your car I may borrow your car INDIRECT SPEECH –John asked if he might borrow my –John asked whether he might borrow my

a. Preceded by Question Words  In the question using Question Word (QW) –To form indirect speech the question is firstly changed to be statement –QW: what, when, where, which, why, who, whom, etc. are used as conjunction

Example  DIRECT SPEECH –Andi: ‘How do you spell your name?’ - It is firstly changed to be: You spell your name  INDIRECT SPEECH Andi asked how I spelt my name Andi asked how I spelt my name

Example DIRECT SPEECH –Sophia: Where can you keep your money safely?’ It is firstly changed to be: You can keep your money safely INDIRECT SPEECH - Sophia asked me where I could keep my money safely. money safely.