1 Imperative sentence is a sentence which gives a command, makes a request, or express a wish. Examples: Go to your room. (an order) Please lend me your book. (a request) Have a good time at the picnic. (a wish) Imperative sentence The imperative is also very common in written instructions. Be careful when you use the imperative, as it is often considered impolite in English. If someone asks you for instructions, use the imperative.
2 Use the imperative to give a direct order. Take that chewing gum out of your mouth. Stand up straight. Give me the details. Use the imperative to give instructions. Open your book. Take two tablets every evening. Take a left and then a right. Use the imperative to make an invitation. Come in and sit down. Make yourself at home. Please start without me. I'll be there shortly. Have a piece of this cake. It's delicious.
3 Use the imperative to give friendly informal advice. Speak to him. Tell him how you feel. Have a quiet word with her about it. Don't go. Stay at home and take rest. Make the imperative 'more polite' by adding 'do'. Do be quiet. Do come. Do sit down. Use the imperative on signs and notices. Push. Do not use. Insert one rupee coin.
4 USE “SHOULD” For giving advice. You should speak to him about it. You should see a doctor You should ask a lawyer. To give an opinion or a recommendation. We should invest more in China. They should do something about this terrible train service. He should resign. To express a personal opinion : often introduced by ' I think'. I think they should replace him. I don't think they should keep the contract. Do you think I should tell her?
5 After 'reporting verbs' such as demand, insist, propose, recommend, suggest. He demanded that we should pay for the repair. She insisted that she should pay for the meal. I have proposed that he should take charge of the organization. The committee recommends that Jane should be appointed. We have suggested that Michael should be given a reward for his hard work.
6 We use 'should' in various fixed expressions: To show strong agreement They're paying you compensation? I should think so. To emphasize a visible emotion You should have seen the look on her face when she found out that she had got the promotion. When you regret not doing something in the past, you can say: I shouldn't have spoken to him like that. I should have apologized earlier.