Vocative Case Used for direct address – Quintus, where are you?Quinte, ubi es? – Metella, look, the city!Metella, ecce urbs! Most are the same as nominative 2 nd declension masculine singular has different endings – us becomes – eQuintus Quinte – ius becomes – īClaudius Claudī Give the vocatives for each: puellafeminaesenexmercatores pictorBarbillusAristonuntius amicusservifiliafilius
Vocative Case Used for direct address – Quintus, where are you?Quinte, ubi es? – Metella, look, the city!Metella, ecce urbs! Most are the same as nominative 2 nd declension masculine singular has different endings – us becomes – eQuintus Quinte – ius becomes – īClaudius Claudī Give the vocatives for each: puellafeminaesenexmercatores pictorBarbillusAristonuntius amicusservifiliafilius
Imperatives SingPlurSingPlur 1 st Conj- ā- ā- atedā! Give!date! Give! 2 nd Conj- ē- ē- etesedē! Sit!sedete! Sit! 3 rd Conj- e- e- itescribe! Write!scribite! Write! 4 th Conj- ī- ī- iteaudī! Listen!audite! Listen! Used for commands Give the imperatives (sing and plur) for: laudare, docēre, mittere, dormire portare, tacēre, agere, custodire
Imperatives SingPlurSingPlur 1 st Conj- ā- ā- atedā! Give!date! Give! 2 nd Conj- ē- ē- etesedē! Sit!sedete! Sit! 3 rd Conj- e- e- itescribe! Write!scribite! Write! 4 th Conj- ī- ī- iteaudī! Listen!audite! Listen! Used for commands Give the imperatives (sing and plur) for: laudare, docēre, mittere, dormire portare, tacēre, agere, custodire
Irregular Imperatives A handful of verbs are weird (surprise, surprise – you knew there would be some) Memorize these 4 verbs: duc! ducite! – Lead! (from duco, ducere) dic! dicite! – Tell! Say! (from dico, dicere) fer! ferte! – Bring! Carry! (from fero, ferre) fac! facite! – Do! Make! (from facio, facere)
Irregular Imperatives A handful of verbs are weird (surprise, surprise – you knew there would be some) Memorize these 4 verbs: duc! ducite! – Lead! (from duco, ducere) dic! dicite! – Tell! Say! (from dico, dicere) fer! ferte! – Bring! Carry! (from fero, ferre) fac! facite! – Do! Make! (from facio, facere)
Negative Imperatives Negative commands = don’t do something Use the imperative of nolo + infinitive of the verb you don’t want them to do. nolī dormire! – don’t sleep! (addressed to 1 person) nolite dormire! – don’t sleep! (addressed to more than 1) nolī clamare! – don’t shout! (addressed to 1 person) nolite clamare! – don’t shout! (addressed to more than 1) Give the negative imperatives for: cantare, amittere, garrire
Negative Imperatives Negative commands = don’t do something Use the imperative of nolo + infinitive of the verb you don’t want them to do. nolī dormire! – don’t sleep! (addressed to 1 person) nolite dormire! – don’t sleep! (addressed to more than 1) nolī clamare! – don’t shout! (addressed to 1 person) nolite clamare! – don’t shout! (addressed to more than 1) Give the negative imperatives for: cantare, amittere, garrire