Saskia van Duyvenbode, Marieke van Wijk, Jolien van der Geugten & Fred Brinkman INHolland University – The Netherlands Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
1. Introduction 2. Research question & method 3. Results & Conclusions 4. Recommendations 5. Questions & Discussion
West Africa > 23 million inhabitants 4 out of 5 live on less than 2 dollars a day > people have HIV/Aids > children orphans because of HIV/Aids Research area: Bolgatanga district Challenges for youth: STD’s, unwanted pregnancies, illegal abortions Cooperation partner: Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana
Research question: Which conceptions and practices do Christians and Muslims have in the Bolgatanga district in relation to sexuality and sexual health education? Open interviews Observation in Ghanaian host families
Factors that influence (unsafe) sexual behaviour: Limited or incorrect knowledge about sexuality Poverty Sexuality is a taboo Lack of communication between parents and children Consequences of (unsafe) sexual behaviour: Unwanted pregnancies Illegal abortion School drop outs STD’s/HIV Vicious circle
Citaat community nurse: I was telling them to teach our children about how to use a condom. Some of them say no, we are spoiling the children rather. If we do that we are telling the children to go out and have sex. So no parent will talk about sex Citaat secretary chief imam: Ok so we all tell them to abstain so you don't get pregnant or you don't get STD’s’ Citaat social worker; We have people like fourteen years who are getting pregnant most of them are going in for abortion. Most of the abortion are done illegally.
Professionalize the education given by volunteers Involve parents Cooperation teachers and Youth Harvest Foundation Ghana