Muscular System
What’s this?
Canker sore! Shallow ulcers in the mouth What causes them? Stress or tissue trauma Citrus can trigger or worsen symptoms B12, zinc, iron deficiency Different than cold sores
Review Attaches to bone/face skin Long, cylindrical, striated Voluntary Skeletal Walls of the heart Involuntary Rhythmic contraction Cardiac Walls of hollow organs Involuntary, hormones/nervous system Slow contraction Smooth
Review 1. Producing Movement 2. Maintain posture and position 3. Stabilize joints 4. Generate heat
Producing Movement Obvious here, muscles create movement Muscle create the ability to walk, swim, run Circulate blood, maintain blood pressure Force food through intestines/stomach
Maintain Posture/Position Everybody Stand up! Remove the shoe of your dominant foot Balance on your dominant foot for 1 minute Notice the slight twitches of your foot to maintain balance
Stabilizing Joints Muscles/tendons cross the joints EX: Shoulder/Hip Extremely important for unstable joints
Generate Heat In any energy system, there are by product When you exercise, what happens to your body? Cars- Exhaust Exercise-heat
Skeletal Muscle Attaches to bone via tendons Attaches to skin in the face Voluntary from nervous system Striated muscle (obvious stripes) Contracts quickly, but also fatigues quickly
Type I v. Type II Type I – Slow twitch Type II – Fast twitch Type II(a) Type II(b)
Type I Oxygen efficient Necessary for extended muscle contraction (over time) Longer time before fatige
Type II Anaerobic Speed and strength Fatigue quickly Type II(a) Combination of type I and type II Type II(b) Classic fast twitch Rapid firing
Muscle Tissue Anatomy Muscle Fiber Endomysium Fascicle Perimysium Epimysium Tendon
Structure of Muscle
Activity! Demonstration using food! Each table will get 2-3 twizzlers. Using saran wrap, post it notes and the twizzlers, create a diagram that shows the structure of muscle
Homework Define terms from the reading: Striated Muscle Voluntary Muscle Fascicle Endomysium Perimysium Epimysium Possible quiz next class!