Cardiorespiratory Exercise & Fitness Chp. 3 & 4 for notes
Health Related Fitness Body Composition – lean to fat mass Cardiorespiratory endurance Muscular strength Muscular endurance Flexibility Coming next week.
What is it? The best indicator of overall health The body’s efficiency to work & respond to work Cardio – heart & blood vessels Respiratory – lungs –Ability of lungs, heart & blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged physical activity.
Indicator of Cardio Fitness VO 2Max or Maximal Oxygen uptake –Indicates efficiency of the cardiorespiratory system –The amount of oxygen the body can use in aerobic and anaerobic activity –Has an upper limit –Testing of… 1 mile walk, 1.5 mile run, Step test, Bike test
What’s that? What’s Aerobic –Prolonged activity that requires oxygen to continue –Examples??? –List as many as you can w/ a neighbor What’s anaerobic? –Shorter bouts of activity that do not require oxygen to continue Uses ATP/CP (immediate) & nonoxidative (cellular glucose & glycogen) –Examples??? –List as many as you can w/ a neighbor
And… Which is more important to overall health? –Aerobic or Anaerobic? Why? And if aerobic is more important, then how do you improve that system?
How to… F.I.T.T. –What does that stand for? Frequency – how often Intensity – how hard Time – how long Type – aerobic or anaerobic; long distance running or wt. training
OK – but that doesn’t help much… Unless you have a goal and know where you’re starting from –i.e., your current fitness level Principle of Specificity Principle of Overload
More specifics… Frequency – 3-6 days/week Intensity – 40-50% to 85-95% –Talk Test Time – min. to several hours Type – aerobic or anaerobic or both
INTENSITY Target Heart Zone (THZ) Formula age = xxx - RHR (resting HR) = yyy x intensity (40%;.40) = zzz + RHR = HR in bpm (one end of THZ) = = x.60 x.80 = 84 = = 144 = – 172 = THZ
What else do you want to know? ???