Li: To know how to structure unit assessment answers To plan/write a draft answer for the unit assessment workbook
Factors impacting on Performance Unit 2.3 “Select and apply two approaches to impact positively on performance”
Your answer must… Identify WHAT is the first approach (or method) you have used to develop performance Provide an example training session and describe in detail HOW you used this approach Then, REPEAT this structure for your second approach.
For example… Continuous Training As a 1500m runner, I chose to train using Continuous Training in order to improve my Cardio Respiratory Endurance. This involved training for a long period of time within my training zone. When I arrived on the track, I completed a 5 minute warm up that took my heart rate from it’s resting rate, gradually into my training zone. I also included some dynamic stretches that increased mobility in my joints to aid running technique and prevent injury. I used a heart rate watch and chest band to regularly check my heart rate and work levels. For my main set I ran for 20 minutes around the running track without stopping. Every 200m I would check that my heart rate was at 75% of my maximum rate (175bpm). If my heart rate had dropped I would increase my pace and if it had increased to above 175bpm, I would reduce my pace. This was simple and easy to do; it kept me working at the correct intensity. After 20mins of running, I took a further 5minutes to gradually slow my pace to walking, thus returning my heart rate toward it’s resting rate and allowing my body to flush out lactic acid and CO2. I then carried out some static stretches to increase movement, loosen my muscles and aid recovery. As I became fitter and my body started to plateaux, I decided to make my training more demanding. I did this by simply increasing the duration of my runs from 20minutes to 27minutes. I also increased the frequency of training from 3 times per week to 4 times per week. By overloading my body, I continued to show progression in my levels of CRE.
For example… Mental Rehearsal As one of my development needs was high anxiety, I used mental rehearsal throughout my training programme to lower this. To begin with, as I performed my 5 minute warm up, I would think about what I need to achieve by the end of this training session and what I need to do to reach my desired goal. I set myself a target time to a complete a lap, adjusted how many laps to complete within the session, considering how I felt last session and ensure I knew what was expected of me in the day's session. This allowed me to feel relaxed and prepared for my training, and reduced stress. Along with my main set of running, I initially needed to reassure myself that I was not competing against other classmates whilst they completed their individual programme. Without doing this, I would have found myself pushing harder whilst running to catch up with another runner on the track. By using reassurance and concentration I was able to focus on my needs, and nothing else. Using music helped to take my mind off other skills like my technique as this was a strength and did not need developed. I was then able to focus my determination on my goals and my plan of action. Once I had completed my main set, I was able to reflect personally, on the programme I had performed, during my cool down jog and stretching. By setting achievable targets I began to feel happier and prepared with training for my event. With the lack of stress, this allowed me to concentrate on the right choices to make when training. As my anxiety levels continued to lower, I progressively overloaded this by running with a partner on certain days throughout the week to create a competitive atmosphere for myself, gradually building the environment I should expect for a race.
Factors impacting on Performance Now it’s your turn to write an answer… Remember! To follow the structure provided