Photo: ‘From the Good Earth’ by Michael Ableman
“…a true and integrated ecological sensitivity… Without it every attempt at environmental conservation or restoration will fail.” Michael Ableman on local agricultural systems around the globe
Global Food Needs and the Environment Presently: overall global agriculture production can meet demand. Current problem: great disparities between (and within) countries and communities - significant starvation and malnutrition - complex factors involving population growth, social inequities, political balances, environmental variation & changes Future problem: Human population growth:will likely double by 2025 Past increases in food production: More acreage in farming Higher yields per acre The future: more environmental change, genetic engineering, political instabilities and disparities???
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers Fig 11.5 Geographic distribution of world production of a few major small grain crops.
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers Fig Major types of agricultural production in the United States.
Agro-ecosystems Differences between agricultural and natural systems 1.Succession arrested at early stages - requires inputs such as labor, materials and energy 2.Monocultures are the norm in agriculture systems - disease vulnerability, reduced soil fertility 3.Simple verses complex patterns (rows)- erosion, pest problems 4.Diminished biodiversity - more pest problems 5.Cultivation (plowing) - disruption of soil building processes, erosion 6.Novel organisms via genetic engineering
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers Fig 11.9 Bush fallow, also called milpa, fang, or swidden agriculture.
Agricultural Assistance and Aid Famines: Every year since WW-II Many causes: local drought, political unrest, war, population growth Frequently short-term need Local production Requires less transportation Less vulnerable to global politics Many components already functioning Aid, or free food: can disrupt local agricultural economies
Soils and Agriculture Chemical: nutrients, macro- and micro- Physical: Particle size (sand, silt, clay), Tilth, (friability, crumb structure…) Organic matter: Reservoir of nutrients Builds tilth Holds water Increases aeration Different crops do best in different soils
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers Fig 11.6 Agricultural technologies.
Eating Lower on the Food Chain The higher up the food chain we eat, the more production is required at the lower trophic levels (primary producers) - i.e. plant crops Humans are omnivores - we can eat plants or animals - we can eat from (a choose from) multiple trophic levels. Issues and questions: Range- and grazing-land verses crop-land Adequate sources of proteins and minerals Domestic animals for non-consumption purposes (transportation, clothing, etc.)