Understanding Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care Programs in Massachusetts Findings from the Preschool Program Quality Study and Highlights from the UPK Implementation Study Barbara Goodson Alyssa Rulf Fountain September 2009
MA Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Evaluation: Implementation Findings % Expenditures by Grantee Type
MA Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Evaluation: Grantee Views of Remaining Needs Program sites – Most pressing need identified by majority of grantees: Staff compensation – Half of child care center programs also see need for professional development Family child care agencies – Wider range of needs identified – Needs identified by more than half of agencies: professional development, comprehensive services (60%) – Half of agencies also see need for curriculum/ educational materials and staff compensation
Preschool Program Quality Evaluation: Study Purpose Describe the quality of early childhood care and education programs serving a high proportion of low-income preschool children in MA This population is defined as programs with at least 50% subsidized children (inclusive of Head Start) 6/5/2016 4
Research Questions RQ #1: What is the overall level of quality of licensed center-based and public school preschool programs in Massachusetts that are serving at least 50% subsidized children? RQ #2: What is the overall level of quality of the licensed family child care homes in Massachusetts that are serving at least 50% subsidized children? 6/5/2016 5
Universe of Preschool Programs in MA Licensed/license-exempt programs – 2207 preschool programs (school district, Head Start, private preschools) – 8627 family child care homes Licensed/license-exempt programs that serve at least 50% subsidized children – 642 preschool programs – 2509 family child care homes 6/5/2016 6
Sample Design Sample selected to represent the universe of preschool settings serving > 50% subsidized children in MA Stratified sample supports reliable estimates of quality of major types of settings 6/5/2016 7
Sample Design Preschool programs stratified by: UPK status (UPK, non-UPK accredited, non- UPK eligible) Type (public school, Head Start, child care center) Family child care homes stratified by: UPK status (UPK, non-UPK) Affiliation with a system or independent Settings selected for variation in size of program and region of state 6/5/2016 8
Final Sample Designed sample size constrained by budget and schedule: contrasts have varying power Sample design included 98 preschool programs and 68 family child care homes Achieved sample reduced by non-response Final sample included 93 preschool programs and 63 family child care homes Non-response reduces power; differential non-response leads to use of sample weights 6/5/2016 9
Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS)— developed by R. Pianta, K. La Paro, B. Hamre Used in many early childhood studies; reliable, valid, based in theory Assesses 3 domains Emotional Support Classroom Organization Instructional Support Measuring Quality 6/5/
CLASS Dimensions Emotional Support : (1. Positive Climate, 2. Negative Climate, 3. Teacher Sensitivity, 4. Regard for Student Perspective) Classroom Organization : (1. Behavior Management, 2. Productivity, 3. Instructional Learning Formats) Instructional Support : (1. Concept Development, 2. Quality of Feedback, 3. Language Modeling)
Findings: Quality of Preschool Programs Emotional Support Average rating: 5.6 out of 7 Classroom Organization Average rating: 5.1 out of 7 Instructional Support Average rating: 2.6 out of 7 Overall quality across 3 domains 21% are high quality; 41% are average quality; 22% are below-average quality; and 15% are low quality 6/5/
Findings: Quality of Family Child Care Emotional Support Average rating: 5.6 out of 7 Classroom Organization Average rating: 4.9 out of 7 Instructional Support Average rating: 1.8 out of 7 Overall quality across 3 domains 4% are high quality; 41% are average quality; 41% are below-average quality; 15% are low quality 6/5/
Findings: Differences in Quality of Care Preschool programs Instructional Support: significantly higher level of quality in public school programs than either Head Start programs or licensed child care centers No statistically significant differences by UPK status Family child care homes No statistically significant differences by UPK status 6/5/
Abt Associates Inc. Average CLASS Quality Scores for Three Types of Preschool Programs *
Average CLASS Quality Scores for Preschool Programs
Abt Associates Inc. Average CLASS Quality Scores for Licensed Family Child Care Programs
Other Indicators of Program Quality: Teacher Education Overall, 27% of teachers had a two-year degree and 53% had a four-year degree or higher Public school: 100% with four-year degree or higher Head Start: 47% with four-year degree or higher; 28% with < BA had CDA Child care: 28% with four-year degree or higher; 16% with < BA had CDA 6/5/
Other Indicators of Program Quality: Family Child Care Provider Education 16% of providers had a two-year degree 24% of providers had a four-year degree or higher 30% of providers with < BA had a CDA
Other Indicators of Program Quality: Child Assessment Tools Preschool programs: 91% using assessment tool Ages & Stages Questionnaire: 3.1% Creative Curriculum Development Continuum: 51.9% Work Sampling System: 9.0% High Scope Child Observation Record: 3.0% Other assessment (published or self- developed): 23.6% Family child care homes: 67% using assessment tool Ages & Stages Questionnaire: 32.7% Creative Curriculum Development Continuum: 6.7% Work Sampling System: 3.8% High Scope Child Observation Record: 0.3% Other assessment (published or self- developed): 23.2%