Department of Chinese Studies Research Programme Briefing 27 January 2012 - 10am 11 August 2011, 10.30am.


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Presentation transcript:

Department of Chinese Studies Research Programme Briefing 27 January am 11 August 2011, 10.30am

Duration of Candidature The maximum periods of candidature for both full-time and part-time candidates are the same Masters: 36 months PhD: 60 months Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Coursework Requirement…1  All students are required to read, and pass a number of relevant modules unless exemption has been granted by the University. Master and PhD students of the Department are required to complete a minimum of four and six modules respectively  Students are encouraged to read more than the minimum required modules; they are allowed to read modules from other departments Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Coursework Requirement…2  Masters students are required to read and pass 4 modules, with at least 75% of the total modular credit (MC) requirements obtained from Level 5000 or 6000 modules  Up to 25% of the total MC requirements may be obtained from Level 4000 modules Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Coursework Requirement…3  PhD students are required to read and pass 6 modules, with at least 50% of the total MC requirements obtained from Level 6000 modules  Up to 25% of the total MC requirements may be obtained from Level 4000 modules. The remaining MCs must be obtained from Level 5000 or 6000 modules Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Coursework Requirement…4  Discuss with your supervisor(s) or Graduate Coordinator the relevant modules for your programme.  All modules must be taken and passed within your maximum period of candidature Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Coursework Requirement…5 Students have to meet the following continuation requirements:  Masters - CAP should not fall below for two consecutive semesters or 3.00 for three consecutive semesters  PhD - CAP should not fall below for two consecutive semesters or 3.50 for three consecutive semesters Termination of candidature would result if a student fails to maintain the minimum CAP as stipulated above Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Graduate Research Seminar CH6770 The coursework requirement includes a Graduate Research Seminar CH6770 that will be graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis. This is a compulsory module for all research students, and offers an opportunity to present their research papers Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Independent Study Modules – CH5660 and CH6262 With the approval of the Department, students may opt for two Independent Study Modules (ISMs). The ISM is designed to enable students to explore an approved topic of the discipline in depth. The student should approach a lecturer to decide on an agreed topic, readings and assignments for the module. A formal written agreement should be drawn up, giving a clear description of the topic, programme of study, assignments, evaluation as well as other pertinent details Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Minimum of two graded modules Scholars are expected to read a minimum of 2 graded modules per semester, which must count towards their CAP Chinese Studies - Research Programme

English Language Requirement Students who are required to read graduate English modules at the intermediate level are required to obtain satisfactory grades (at least Grade C) within two years of their candidature Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Research Progress Reports  Students are required to submit a bi-annual research progress report consisting of a summary of work done in the previous semester and work to be done in the current semester  The research progress report submission periods are August (for assessment of research progress in Semester 2 of the previous Academic Year) and January (for assessment of research progress in Semester 1 of the current academic year) Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Research Progress Reports  For scholars, the semestral progress report will be taken into account for scholarship renewal. Please note that scholarship will be suspended if research progress report is not submitted by the deadline  Students who are in their first term (semester) of study are not required to submit the Research Progress Report Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD Qualifying Examination…1 PhD candidates are also required to pass a Qualifying Examination comprising:  comprehensive examinations (1 Major field and 1 Minor field); and  an oral defence of PhD thesis proposal (for which a 30- to 50-page thesis proposal is expected) Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD Qualifying Examination…2 Candidates must satisfy the following conditions before they sit for the PhD QE:  Complete a minimum of five modules, at least two of which are obtained from Level 6000 modules, with a minimum CAP of 3.50;  Where applicable, obtain satisfactory grades (at least grade C) in the Centre for English Language Communication graduate English modules at intermediate level; Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD Qualifying Examination…3  Candidates should pass the QE within the first two years of their candidature.  A second PhD QE may be attempted during this period should the candidate fail the first attempt. This applies to both full- time and part-time candidates. For research scholars, their scholarship will only be suspended upon the recommendation of the Department  A candidate who fails to clear the PhD QE by the end of the second year of his/her candidature may be downgraded to the Masters programme if he/she can complete a reasonably good Masters thesis. For research scholars, the scholarship in such cases will be terminated. Otherwise, the candidature of such students will be terminated Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD qualifying Examination …4  The date of the oral defence examination will be set a minimum of 2 weeks after the thesis proposal has been submitted to, and displayed at the Department Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Leave Matters Students who would like to attend conferences, participate in field trips, take up research attachments or read modules related to their research areas in other institutions have to seek approval from the Department When approval is obtained, leave is deemed to be granted Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Support for Overseas Fieldwork Full-time graduate research students may apply for financial support for overseas fieldwork directly related to their Masters or PhD thesis from the Graduate Research Support Scheme. This scheme finances airfare, daily allowance and other research-related expenses as deemed appropriate by the Faculty approving committee. Priority will be given to PhD research students Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Support for Overseas Fieldwork  The funding limit for PhD research students is S$6000 per candidature. Only candidates who have passed their PhD QE are eligible for the GRSS grant. Those who have not sat for the QE may submit an advance application but fieldwork must commence only after passing the QE  The funding limit for Masters research students is S$3,000 per candidature Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Financial Assistance for Student Projects  Financial assistance is given to full-time students involved in projects directly related to their studies. This covers reimbursement of consumables and travel arising from the projects  Full-time Masters students may claim 100% of actual expenditure, subject to a maximum of S$400 per student throughout the candidature period  Full-time PhD students may claim 100% of actual expenditure, subject to a maximum of S$500 per student throughout the candidature period. Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Travel Grant for Conference Attendance/Participation Full-time graduate research students admitted are given financial support for their attendance/participation in conferences as follows:  Full-time Masters research students may attend local, regional or international conferences subject to a total limit of S$2,000 throughout their candidature  Full-time PhD students may attend local, regional or international conferences subject to a total limit of S$3,500 throughout their candidature. Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Research Scholars and Employment You may be required by Department to assist in teaching or other department work without additional pay, for up to six hours per week as follows:  No more than two hours of tutorials per week  Preparation work for teaching including attending lectures that guide them on the facilitation of tutorials  Marking of assignments and examination answer scripts  Two invigilation duties per semester  All TAs are required to attend the training courses offered by CDTL within their first year of candidature. Chinese Studies - Research Programme Department Work

Part-time Work for Foreign Non- Research Scholars Foreign full-time graduate students who are not research scholars must seek approval to work part-time. Part-time work is allowed up to a maximum of 16 hours per week during the term. TAship recipients are not allowed to work parttime, regardless of nationality. Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Length of MA/PhD Theses  MA thesis 60,000 to 135,000 characters  PhD thesis 150, 000 to 250,000 characters Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Language of MA/PhD Theses  Major language is Chinese  Students who wish to write in English must seek the support of the supervisor and secure written approval from the Head or Graduate Coordinator. Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD Thesis Oral Examination…1  The duration of the oral examination is approximately two hours. The examination comprises an oral presentation followed by an oral defence/open discussion  Other faculty members may attend the oral examination Chinese Studies - Research Programme

PhD Thesis Oral Examination …2 The oral presentation takes 15 to 20 minutes and should not exceed 30 minutes. Candidates should observe the following:  Give a brief overview of the thesis;  Discuss key findings and new contributions made to the field;  Justify methodology and theoretical framework used;  Analyze implications of study for future research, policy and other applications;  Answer any question raised on the subject matter of the research thesis and related subjects satisfactorily Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Graduation Requirements MASTER  Minimum CAP of 3.00;  Must not fail more than two modules;  Where applicable, obtain satisfactory grades (at least grade C) in the graduate English courses conducted by the Centre for English Language Communication at intermediate level; and  Pass Masters thesis. Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Graduation Requirements PHD  Minimum CAP of 3.50;  Must not fail more than two modules;  Where applicable, obtain satisfactory grades (at least Grade C) in the graduate English courses conducted by the Centre for English Language Communication at intermediate level of proficiency;  Pass Qualifying Examination;  Pass PhD thesis; and  Pass Oral Examination Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Seminar/Talk/QE Exam  It is compulsory for Research Scholars to attend all seminars/talks/QE examination organized by the Department. This, however, does not include events by RESEARCH GROUPS  Research scholars who are unable to attend seminars/talks are required to write a formal letter explaining their absence to the Graduate Co-ordinator, Assistant Professor Koh Khee Heong, or Mdm Fong Yoke Chan (admin staff).  Research scholars who consistently fail to attend seminars/ talks may not have their research scholarships extended Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Seminar/Talk/QE Exam  All Research Scholars must join at least One of the RESEARCH GROUPS. Attendance of core Research Groups events is also compulsory for Research Scholars.  Research Scholars are only allowed to be exempted from joining any of the groups when their supervisors express in writing that none of the groups is suitable.  We welcome all graduate students to join the research group that fits their interest.  Kindly register with Mdm. Fong Yoke Chan your preferred research group by Friday 3 February Chinese Studies - Research Programme

Graduate Room (AS3 #04-22)  Keep room clean and tidy  Maintain a reasonable level of noise  Ensure that room is locked up when vacant to safeguard equipment  Do not hog computer when others are waiting to use it Chinese Studies - Research Programme

中文系博士研究生 “ 综合考试 ” 学科领域  各研究生将按照以下 24 个领域,经和论文导师 和指导委员会商讨,选择应考的 “ 第一 ” 和 “ 第二 ” 领域。  现代学术发展迅速,如果有最新的学科发展, 或有 “ 跨学科 ” 的交叉领域,在上述 24 各领域范围 以外,系内将成立小组个别处理。  一般来说, “ 第一领域 ” 考官、论文导师、指导委 员会主席、 “ 开题报告 ” 主席,应属同一人。如有 特别情况,可和系主任商讨应对。 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

汉语组 1. 语法化理论,历史语言学,汉语发展史; 2. OT 理论,音系学,汉语语音与方言; 3. 语言类型学,中国少数民族语言; 4. 认知语言学,构式语法理论,现代汉语语法; 5. 话语分析,修辞学; 6. 语义学,词汇语义学,现代汉语词汇; 7. 生成语言学,句法学,现代汉语语法; 8. 语言习得,应用语言学,语言教学法; 9. 文化语言学,语言与社会,人类语言学; 10. 翻译学,中英翻译的理论与实践。 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

文学组 1. 中国古典小说 2. 中国文学批评 3. 中国现代文学 4. 中国古典诗歌 5. 中国古典戏剧 6. 中国赋体文学 7. 中国电影 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

历史组 1. 中国上古史 (约远古 — 秦汉) 2. 中国中古史(约魏晋 — 隋唐) 3. 近世中国史(约宋 — 清) 4. 中国近现代史(约晚清 — 现代) 5. 中国思想史 6. 中国文化史 7. 海外华人研究 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

语言组 1. 历史语言学 ( 语法化理论,历史语言学,汉语发展史 ) ; 2. 语音音系学 (OT 理论,音系学,汉语语音与方言 ) ; 3. 语言类型学 ( 语言类型学,中国少数民族语言 ) ; 4. 认知语言学 ( 认知语言学,构式语法理论,现代汉语语法 ) 5. 话语语用学 ( 话语分析,修辞学, 语用学 ); 6. 词汇语义学 ( 语义学,词汇语义学,现代汉语词汇 ); 7. 功能语法 ( 句法学,现代汉语语法 ); 8. 语言习得 ( 语言习得,应用语言学,语言教学法 ) ; 9. 社会语言学 ( 文化语言学,语言与社会,人类语言学 ) 10. 翻译理论 ( 翻译学,中英翻译的理论与实践 ); 11. 计算语言学 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

研究群队 本系现有 5 个活跃的研究群,分别为:  东南亚华人研究  汉语语言学研究  明清研究  印刷及大众文化研究  中国宗教 Chinese Studies - Research Programme

The End ~ Wishing you success in your studies!