Module 2. Lesson C – Part 2. Y AHOO ! S ITE B UILDER
C ONTENTS OF Y AHOO ! S ITE B UILDER C OMMUNITY W EBSITE V IDEOS Loading Yahoo! SiteBuilder Software (7 minutes) o Getting Started with SiteBuilder (46 minutes) o o Picking a template, inserting pages (0:00) o Editing links to other pages in your site (17:14) o Previewing your site in a web browser (29:32) o Inserting a YouTube Video using HTML code (34:45) 7 videos
C ONTENTS OF Y AHOO ! S ITE B UILDER C OMMUNITY W EBSITE V IDEOS Business Page (42 minutes) o o Inserting text and pictures (2:34) o Adding a new page (for list of existing businesses) (23:19) o Adding a community map to a new page (31:42) Education Page (31 minutes) o o Inserting contact information using bulleted lists (8:50) o Inserting list of distances to higher education facilities (15:24) o Inserting links / information about entrepreneurship (20:26) o Previewing the page and making sure all links work (28:15)
Community Groups Page (34 minutes) o o Adding a list of community groups (6:48) o Adding volunteer opportunities using bulleted lists (15:00) o Inserting a calendar using HTML code (19:46) Government Page (32 minutes) o o Adding pictures and info about elected officials (5:04) o Adding links to minutes of city council meetings, or other PDF documents (10:06) o Inserting Government forms for downloading (Word or PDF format) (18:44) C ONTENTS OF Y AHOO ! S ITE B UILDER C OMMUNITY W EBSITE V IDEOS
Finishing Touches (27 minutes) o o Inserting Title and Meta tags (0:00) o Installing Analytics HTML code (11:27) o Publishing your content with Yahoo! Web Hosting (18:39)