Items and actions Modifications to current forecasts Website and data Research into future forecasts Organization and implementation
Summer 2009
Modification to current forecasts Replace deterministic forecast 3-category probabilistic shading + contouring calibrate shading limits and “no forecast” skill measures aesthetics and website Canada map + skill is 1 st order with links: 3 category full probabalistic skill measures data …..
Other approaches
Proposal (see also Kharin report) calibrate shade > 40% no shade => “no forecast” or “other” map over Canadian region no pole no US only 1 shading bar (see examples) add skill map links to full probability forecasts skill scores data mean and
SK example
Details Calibrate using Kharin method Shade above 40% no-shade = “no-forecast” or “other” attach skill measure (eg. % correct) links to: full probability forecasts other skill measures past forecasts etc., but better web design
Website and data monthly, seasonal forecasts mislabelled under “modelling and analysis” need button on weatheroffice page which at least indicates “extended forecasts” Actions inform Chas Lin, D. Whelpdale, and others.. set up Website Task Force Monthly and Seasonal forecasts
Website design: Forecasts hard to find (at best)
Website task force set up task force for Monthly and Seasonal Forecast section of website propose a (re) design of MSF section separate section for MSF – “new” forecast on main page cleaner look, hierarchy of links to: 3-panel probability forecasts verification information up to date explanatory information data etc. produce an explicit proposal for MSF section including review process to keep up to date set time limits for design/proposal lobby and demand/promote action
Data hard to find/out of date
Forecast data task force mechanism to keep forecast data up to date link to explanatory material on HFP2 provide additional information basic statistics, mean and other variables for applications energy agriculture focus for interaction with data users
Other forecasts HFP2+ and CMC seasonal forecast evolution extend HFP2 to present add additional forecast models (AGCM4, CHFP1, …) Subseasonal CCCma participation initially in Bin Wang intercomparison CCCma/RPN “research plan”, resources GLACE2/GOAPP surface initialization effects part of GOAPP in conjunction with GUELPH GLACE2 intercomparison
CHIP2 CHFP = HFP but 1-tier, coupled multi- season forecast project GOAPP Theme II project contribution to WGSIP “Climate-system Intercomparison Project” i.e. their CHFP basis for WGDIP/WGCM/CMIP5 decadal climate forecasts how do we plan for and exploit CHFP?
CHFP/coupled forecasting task force document and summarize: international and Canadian approaches planning for research and operations path to operations melding with current CMC monthly/seasonal forecasts outputs and multi-seasonal skill ice forecasting treatment on website data availability international aspects supplying of forecasts to APCC accessing and combining with other forecasts contribution to WGSIP CHFP
Other items EC Resources for SIP initial 1+1 “shared” personnel for SIP concentrated at RPN and CMC at minimum need similar at CCCma CFCAS/external resources 1-year no-cost extension means some GOAPP effort to continue for a few months prospect for CFCAS replacement seems dim GOAPP report/meeting with EC and DFO – opportunity to stress: activities in other G8 countries compared to Canada amazing leveraged results with micro-resources need for EC resources to continue progress computing highly trained personnel, one of the outputs of GOAPP international efforts in SIP and applications of short term climate predictions