Evaluating Websites How to tell if a website is REAL
R ead the URL Do you recognise the domain name? eg: www. adhs. act.edu.au Look at the extension.edu.gov.com/.co.org.net
Is it a personal page? Watch out for: Names The words: users, people, members The symbols: % and ~ R ead the URL continued
Credible information? Can the information be verified? Is the site well presented? Appropriate fonts, colours and graphics? Is the site maintained? Do links all work? Recently updated? E xamine the content
A sk about the author/ owner Is their name provided? Contact details? Biographical details/ credentials provided? Conduct a search for them. What do you get?
L ook at the links Forward links Links from the site to other sites Are the sites it links to credible? Back links Links to the site from other sites Which sites link to it? Are they credible or sites you trust? To check back links: then “link:URL” in search bar