Teacher In-service January 25, 2013 Presented by Kevin Pedersen of
Summary Review how to use projector and computer to present lessons. Share links to online resources. Create presentations that incorporate links to online resources. Display multimedia content in high-definition and full- screen.
Projector and Computer SMART Board software is not necessary for multimedia presentations. PowerPoint may be simpler and more reliable than SMART Notebook, but these instructions apply to any computer program. Setup instructions can be found on the TMS website under Academics Technology: T%20Board%20Setup.pdf T%20Board%20Setup.pdf
Links The timothymurphyschool.org site has a page of links to web sites under Academics Technology, Approved Websites: approved_sitestimothymurphyschool.org approved_sites As you find new online resources, you can send links to Kevin to be posted on the website for others to share.
Sharing Links In general, you can click on the address bar and copy the link to the web page you are on. Various browsers also facilitate sharing links with the following commands found in the File menu. Safari: File Mail Link to This Page (v 5 and earlier) or File Share this Page (v 6) Other (Firefox / Chrome / Internet Explorer): File Link… / File Page Location… / File Send Link by …
PowerPoint Basics Create a presentation as follows: Title slide (with background image) Informational slide (mostly text) Media slide (mostly images, with at least 1 link) Review question slide (this slide will go along with a worksheet that will be given to each student).
Background Images PowerPoint 2008 Go to Format Slide Background… Select Fill from along the left Select Picture from along the top Click Choose a Picture… and locate a picture saved to your computer. Click Apply to add the background to the current slide or Apply to All to add the background to all slides.