GPGPU Tools and Source Code Mark HarrisNVIDIA Developer Technology
First: Home Base Check the GPGPU Course website for updates! –Course notes, errata and extras
High-Level Shading Languages Useful New Site: ShaderTech – Cg: C for Graphics – HLSL: The D3D Shading Language – us/directx9_c/directx/graphics/reference/highlevellanguageshaders.asp us/directx9_c/directx/graphics/reference/highlevellanguageshaders.asp The OpenGL Shading Language –
GPGPU Languages Sh University of Waterloo – – Brook Stanford University – –
Shader Conversion Babelshader – –Designed to convert between DirectX HLSL output, pixelshader 2.0 and OpenGL's low level shading languages –Allows OpenGL programs to use Microsoft's stand alone HLSL compiler, fxc.exe to compile programs into ARB or fp30 assembly. –Enables fair benchmarking competition between the HLSL compiler and the Cg compiler on the same platform with the same demo and driver.
Debugging Tools imdebug – The Image Debugger – –A programmer's utility to make debugging of Win32 applications that use images and grid data easier.
Debugging Tools Shadesmith Shader Debugger – Debugger in the spirit of imdebug –Simply add a debug statement when binding shaders –Display window with scale, bias, component masking Advanced features –Can watch any shader register contents without recompile –Shader single stepping (forward and backward), breakpointing –Shader source edit and reload without recompile
Utility Code RenderTexture –Open Source: –Convenience class for OpenGL “render to texture” –Supports NVIDIA and ATI extensions –Float pbuffers and textures supported –Supports “copy to texture” (CTT) or “render to texture” (RTT) CTT only under Linux (no RTT extension yet) –Supports render-to-depth-texture RTDT –Supports pbuffers with multiple color buffers Your first stop for GPGPU information! News: Discussion: Developer resources, sample code, tutorials: And for open source GPGPU software: